An Eventful Night

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I walked over to push the door open. As soon as the door inched open the sound of music filled my ears and a candle light beamed onto my face. I looked back to Kili who gestured for me to go in, I smiled and walked in. I squeezed through a group of men who were talking. "Sorry, excuse me." I squeaked whilst squeezing past.

It was packed and quite overwhelming. Kili followed close behind me, his hand placed upon my lower back and guided me through the crowded dancers swinging each other around, hand in hand.  Up ahead in a corner I spotted an empty table right at the back in the corner of the tavern but to get to it we had to go through or around the people dancing.

"Just go around them." Kili bent over and said into my ear. With Kili behind me we squeezed past and finally made it to the table. The table had used jugs and a plate with crumbs on it that came from the people previous to us.
Kili pulled out my wooden chair as I sat into it, as I went to sit down he pushed it in and I was sitting down, Kili went around to his side and sat down.

"It's busy." I said. "It's happy hour, it doesn't surprise me." Kili adjusted himself in his chair.
We sat there for a while watching the dancers until a women approached us. She looked very young, 21 at the oldest. She had long curly, dark brown hair, plump lips, dark brown eyes and a mole just above her lip. She was wearing many different layers of red, white and brown fabrics with a dark brown corset. She also had heavy brown boots on her feet. She was holding a tray in her hand and a cloth in the other.

"Well ain't it a treat to have the prince and soon-to-be princess in our tavern. How can I help you tonight, your majesty's?" She said cheerfully with an accent. "Just a mug of ale for me thanks." Kili said taking his hands off the table. The lady turned to me. "I'll have the same." I smiled.

"Okay, I'll have that too you in a jiffy. Until then, let me give your table a wipe down." She took the jug and plate off the table and put it aside. With her cloth she wiped down the table to remove the crumbs and spilt ale. We don't have taverns back in the Shire so this is all a new experience to me.
Once she was finished she picked up the tray and walked off.

"Nothing like the Shire." I told myself as I help my hands out in front of the candle on our table to try and heat my freezing hands. The lady came back with our drinks. " 'ere we go. One pint of ale for the prince," she placed the wood mug infront of Kili, he thanked her "And another for the lady. Will that be all for the night?"
"Yes, thank you." Kili said. She curtsied and walked off.

Kili and I grabbed our mugs and took a swing. I tensed when the liquid burnt my throat. I felt the bubbles fizz in my mouth and finished with a bitter taste, yet it was nice. I wiped off my ale moustache and bit my lip.
For a while we sat, talked, laughed and drank our ale until there was none left. "I'll go get some more." I stood up and grabbed the empty mugs.
"Okay, just be careful." He warned. "I will."
I made my way to the bar where I squeezed into an empty space between two men. "Two more ales please." The bartender nodded and hurried off to get my drink.

I was waiting for my drinks until a man turned around to me. He seemed about mid twenties, maybe older, he had scruffy brown hair and a small beard, he towered over me by a few inches, I may or may not be standing on a stool but that's beside the point. But I didn't like the looks of him.

"You a'right love?" He said, I could smell the alcohol off him. I cringed at the smell of beer and who knows what else. "Hello." I said awkwardly, I turned back to the bar hoping the bartender will be back soon. "You from 'round here? I ain't seen your pretty face in here before." He went to reach for me but I backed away.
"Don't." I warned him. "Ay, don't be so grum'y, try and smile." He reached out to touch me again but I pushed him away. "Hey! Stop it!" He smiled with absent teeth and those that stood where almost rotting "Aw, don't be scared. I ain't gonna hurt-"

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