Spreading The News

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"Your what?" Kili's eyes widened in disbelief.
"I'm pregnant." I placed a hand on my bump that could barely be seen. Kili placed a hand on his head and paced the room. My stomach sunk at his reaction, I began to play with my ring trying to hide my nerves.

"But when did we..." He questioned himself and when he remembered his brows furrowed together "But that was so long ago." This is not how it was supposed to go. "I'm so sorry," A pressure built behind my eyes "I didn't mean for this too happen." I spun around so he couldn't see me cry. I thought he would be happy. I grabbed onto the edge of my vanity and hung my head. I can't believe this is happening.

"I'm going to be a dad?" The tone of his question made me spin around, he was looking at me, waiting for an answer with his eyebrows drawn together. "Yes." Was all I said. He startled me as he strode over to me from across the room and pulled me toward him and placed a hard kiss on my lips. "I'm going to be a dad!" He smiled. He picked me up and spun me around, I clutched on tight before he gently placed me on the ground again. Happy tears fell down my face. This is the Kili I knew.

"So your saying our child is in you right now?" He placed his hand on my stomach. I prayed he wouldn't feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. "I guess so. I'm so glad your happy." I smiled.

"I'm more than that, (Y/N). God, I love you so much," He placed a firm kiss on my lips "I'm going to love this child, with every bit of my heart," We both sat down on the bed as he continued to tell me about our child "I can teach it archery, we can teach it to read and write Oh! And we can't forget the name, there's so many options! Ash? Arrow? Nah that's a bit dumb." He patted his chin.

I couldn't help but laugh as I wrapped an arm around his torso, and placed my head on his shoulder. "First we need to find out the gender, then we can begin to think of names."
"I can't wait that long!" He squeezed me tightly "The company are going to be ecstatic, when are we going to tell them?" He turned to me. "Right now, if you want?"

Kili was already halfway out the door, in a few seconds he had gotten up and gently closed the door behind him. "Everyone get up!" I could hear Kili's voice from outside the door "(Y/N) and I have something to tell you!" I could hear him trying to hide him excitement.

I slipped on a pair of trousers and a tunic and closed my chamber door behind me. Everyone was coming out their chambers, some in pairs, rubbing their eyes. They all groaned and yelled at Kili for waking them up. "What is it now?" Balin brushed a hand through his white curls. "Get some clothes on and meet downstairs in 10 minutes. Believe me, you don't want to go back to sleep." Kili said firmly.
They all groaned and went back into their rooms to change.


"We're all here, now why did we need to get up in the middle of the night?" Gloin asked with a bit of attitude."Alright, I know you aren't happy about this but I think (Y/N) might change your mind." Kili turned to me with an eyebrow raised. Everyone's heads turned to me. I looked at Bilbo, an ache forming in my heart, before taking a deep breath. 

"I'm having a baby." I placed a hand on my bump. Knowing that there is life inside me it's already made it love him or her with every inch of my heart bursting with excitement. Everyone gasped. Bilbo jaw fell open and he didn't blink for a long time. "Your pregnant!?" Dwalin slowly uncrossed his arms. I nodded and turned to Kili with a smile. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close to him."Yep."

They all erupted into cheers. "Hey! Hey!" Gloin cheered. Bilbo was remained frozen, and still hasn't blinked, that's when you know you've broken Bilbo.
Everyone ran over to me and Kili and threw me in their arms. I looked up at the ceiling as I was submerged. A tear fell down my face. This is exactly how I wanted it to be. "Congratulations!" They all cheered. Ive never seen them this happy.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now