A Night of Love and Dancing

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We are in the masters house celebrating. Music erupted and drinks are out. The town people are on the floor dancing in their partners or friends arms, having the time of their lives. The smell of booze and food fills the building, I looked over to see Bofur practically hugging the barrel of ale with drunken heart eyes. The dwarves were making small talk with the villagers, Thorin spoke with the master, and Kili and I are sitting down on the side talking.

Kili was talking to me about something but my attention was on this one couple. They looked so happy to be dancing hand in hand, the way they looked at each other was special. They faces were a bright crimson red from swinging each other around and when the man whispered something into her ear the beautiful sound of laughter exploded from her. It was beautiful to watch.

"(Y/N)? Did you hear me?" Kili asked, bringing his face into view. "Oh yeah, sorry. Carry on." I tore my eyes from the dancers and pushed my hair off my face, switching my focus back to Kili. He shared and quick glance with me and looked to the dancers with a frown. "I'm sorry. You should be dancing, partying, i'm taking you away from that."
"No! I like sitting here and talking to you, I was just lost in thought. Please," I crossed my legs on the bench we were sitting on and turned to him "Carry on." Although he didn't.

He pulled himself up and held out his hand. I looked at his hand and rose an eyebrow. "May you join me on the dance floor, (Y/N)?" I softly smiled "You are in no condition to be dancing." He reached out his hand further and slightly raised his eyebrows as if to say please. "You'd be hurting me more if you deny me of this dance. I know you love dancing more than anything in the world."

I opened my mouth to object but he grabbed my hand and pulled me off my feet and towards the dance floor. I beamed when he pulled my against his chest as new song was about to begin. "You can relax now (Y/N)," He told me "You're safe." The music began with a slow pace to allow the men to bow at their partner. My cheeks went red when I could hear the dwarves laughing and whistling at us.

We brought our hand up to the level of our eyes, we walked around in a circle neither of us taking our eyes off each other. We switched hands and walked around the other way, neither of us looking away.

The music filled my ears with joy as we danced. He spun me around, lifted me up, clapped and loads more. I could tell his leg bothered him but he was trying to hide it by keeping a smile on his face. I haven't heard this much laughter and happiness from a dance floor since the Shire had its huge party at Midsummers Eve, it was the best night of our lives, a time to be alive. But this definitely tops it.

The final song finished at we held onto each other panting. I looked up into his eyes. I grabbed his face and placed a kiss on his lips, he returned the kiss like no one else was in the room. We broke apart and he brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "(Y/N)." He pressed our foreheads together, he's done this before yet I never know why but I can tell it has a meaning. "Kili."

His breath seemed to catch in his throat as he opened his mouth to say something, and by the look on his face I couldn't wait any longer to find out what he has to say. "I...amralizi, (Y/N)." My face twisted into confusion at the dwarfish word as he looked down at me with so much love and longing in his eyes. "What does that mean?" He smiled from ear to ear "It means I love you, (Y/N). Isn't it obvious?"

What. Those three little words made time feel like it had stopped. Inside I am screaming and jumping for joy. Ive never had anyone say that to me, in this sense. Ever since the night I first met Kili at the Shire I had been dreaming of this moment, the moment when he tells me how he truly feels towards me. But he had made it pretty clear throughout the journey, constantly throwing compliments at me and never failing to plant a smile on my face. This is what i've always wanted. Love.

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