Healing Kili

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Any minute now Bofur should be back with the Kingsfoil, until then we have used a damp cloth with water to cool down Kili but it was absolutely useless, his temperature only rose. By the minute he gets sicker and sicker but there is nothing we can do until Bofur comes back. It was torturous.

"Da? Is that you?" Sigrid, the eldest daughter, was outside waiting for her father to come back, no one has any idea where he is considering the whole village is after him. We all jumped out our seats when we heard Sigrid scream, she ran inside and slammed the door shut, ran over to her siblings and held them tight. My hand jumped down to my dagger, ready for whatever awaits of the other side of the door.

Everyone's eyes widened whe an orc kicked the door down and came running in. They've found us. I grabbed a bowl near me and threw it at the Orc but it only smashed against his armour. Bain jumped back when another orc fell through the ceiling and Sigrid steamed when more came through the front door. We were completely surrounded.

I turned to look at Fili but he was already looking at me, we didn't need to say anything to know what we were thinking. An orc knocked Sigrid back sending her under the table, Fili ran forward to protect to two girls and shoved the orc against the wall. Bain held Tilda back as she tried to get to her sister. "No, Tilda!"

The children began to throw plates, bowls, whatever they could find at the orcs, they fumbled around in the drawers before Sigrid pulled out a kitchen knife and launched it at one of the orcs shoulder which dug into his shoulder, send him folding onto the floor. I stood next to Kili completely clueless on what to do. Do I help? Do I leave Kili? What if something were to happen to him and I can't get to him?

I pulled out my new sword incase I had to use it, which I most likely will. At the corner of my eye I could see an orc running straight toward us. I stepped forward and swung my sword. Kili pulled himself to the corner of the bed he was on. I grunted for each swing that I took, I let out a angry cry when I swung my sword through the air, slicing across the orcs face, bringing him to the floor.

We all continued to fight until a tall women came through the door. The she-elf. I wasn't too thrilled to see her right now but I must admit, we do need the help, more and more orcs come through the ceiling, too many to take on alone. We continued fighting until Legolas made a dramatic entrance through the ceiling. Fili, Legolas, the she-elf and myself were fighting the orcs off and we were getting through them quickly.

"Ahh!" I could hear Kili crying for help. An orc had snuck past and grabbed his foot, he tried to defend himself but with no weapons all he could do was quick his legs even though it brought him great pain. Without thinking or any hesitation I threw my dagger in my belt which skimmed Kili's head and nailed the orc to the wall. I heard a loud thump, without realising Kili had gone to near the edge of the bed and fallen off.

I dove down to Kili on the floor, grabbed his head and kissed it. "You okay?"
"Yeah i'm fine-" He looked over my shoulder and his eyes widened "Watch out!" In one quick movement Kili grabbed my other dagger hidden under my skirt, strapped to my thigh, and dug it into an orc coming up behind me. I had ducked out the way so I wasn't able to catch Kili when he collapsed on the floor. He screamed when he landed on his bad leg.

Legolas and the she-elf had managed to fight off the orcs and the remaining ones retreated which I doubt was them running due to fear.. We were all panting from fighting and the children came out from behind the flipped table. "You killed them all." Bain starred at the dead bodies scattered all over their floor. "Yes, but more will come. Tauriel."

Legolas walked out the door only to come back when he realised Tauriel, the she-elf, wasn't following. She stood by Kili who was in my arms and looked down at him with a broken expression. Kili clutched onto my hand but he was struggling to keep his eyes open. "We're loosing him!" Tears formed in my eyes, I looked up at Tauriel, desperate. "Please, help him." My voice broke mid-sentence. She looked at me and back at Legolas, debating.

"Tauriel." He was waiting for her at the door. She followed. "What! You can't leave us!" Kili's screams were louder than me "We need you! He needs you." That stopped her in her tracks. Bofur had finally returned his what i'm guessing was Kingsfoil. "Bofur! Finally!" Tauriel took the weed out of his hands. "What are you doing?" She looked at Kili and back at Bofur. "I'm going to save him."


Fili, Bofur and I all grabbed Kili and pulled him up onto the table which Bain swiped clean. He was tossing and turning, clutching his leg. You could see the tears of suffering that had fallen down his face as well as the large beads of sweat falling down his face. My legs buckled whenever I think of the worst.

"Hold him down." Tauriel had prepared the weed and now she was ready, she was massaging the weed around her hands ready to begin. Fili and Bofur held him down and I tried to calm him down just a bit so he could stop wriggling. "Kili! I'm here! It's me, (Y/N), i'm here and we are going to help you but you need to try and stay still." I raised my voice over his screaming. I was standing by his head panicking. I brought my trembling hands to his head and held it back to make him look at me.

"Please, Kili. Stay still. I'm here and it's all going to be fine!" He bit his bottom lip so hard it has turned white, I could tell he was trying to stay still but it was like his body had a mind of its own. Bofur and Fili managed to get a good grip on his leg despite him trying to kick himself free. I looked back at Kili. "Okay, your doing great. Just remember that I love you so much."

He opened his mouth to speak, for a while no sound came out just struggled noises "I love you too." He finally managed to say. I smiled at the words that he just fought out of him but I could tell by the look on Tauriels face that this broke her and I did feel bad but this is how it is.

Tauriel was at his thigh ready to start. Speaking in elvish she pressed the weed onto his open wound, I had to look away. At this point he was hysterical. There was nothing anyone could do but hold him down. Sigrid and Tilda ran around to his other leg and held it down. Everyone struggled as Tauriel pushed the weed deeper into the wound. I looked down the the floor and and squeezed my eyes shut, not baring to look at Kili's face right now.

I slowly looked back up to see that Kili had finally calmed down. It's working. His shoulders relaxed as Tauriel finished. "Did you do it?" I looked up at the tall elf. "Yes." She didn't really want to talk with me, which I understand, she took herself to the corner of the room and bit her nail. Everyone released Kili and Fili wrapped a new bandage around his leg.

"Kili?" As soon as my hand touched his shoulder he sat up and pulled me in and kissed me, still weak.
"(Y/N)," He was breathing heavily and still weak "I've never been so happy to see anyone before."
We put our foreheads together and my heart fluttered as he used his families forehead touch. It's like a connection that the two people have, it sends a silent message to each other.

"I've been here the whole time, Kili. And I always will be."

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