Before The Big Day

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"Is that now a bit...tight!?" I cried. I held onto my hips as my maiden, Garthila, pulled on the threads of my corset. "No, my lady. It has be this tight, I would have thought you've worn a corset before?"
"Yes I have, too my comfort but this is so tight, I can barely breath!"

I am currently in my dress fitting. Garthila is putting on my corset to go under my dress and soon I will get to try on my official wedding dress. I picked it out and tried it on a few times but i've barely seen it. Turns out it's much harder to find a wedding dress to fit a hobbit.

"And were done. That should be right enough." She tied up my corset and stepped off the platform we were standing on. "Should be!?" Garthila didn't listen to my complaints so she left me in the room alone in a corset and my undergarments. Great. I'm freezing and now i'm alone. Whilst Garthila was gone I looked at myself in the mirror. There wasn't much to see right now but I couldn't help but feel butterflies. I can't believe this is happening.

"I have your dress, my lady." I could see Garthila in the mirror holding a handful of white fabric. "Is that it?!"
"Yes." She giggled. "Oh it's beautiful!" I ran off the platform, across the room and held onto the corner of my dress. I ran my thumb over the silk dress. I can't believe this is mine. I picked it out a while ago but it was never really mine, now, it's all mine.

"Do you want to try it on?" She asked "Of course."
"Alright." I stepped onto the platform. Garthila came behind me, she was a bit taller than me so it was easier for her to slip the dress over my head. I reached my hands over my head, she slid it down my head and over my eyes. I was submerged in white silk but when the dress came off my face my jaw dropped. It was stunning.

(Y/N)'s DRESS:

I ran my hands down the dress and admired it, completely taken away

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I ran my hands down the dress and admired it, completely taken away. It flowed past my ankles and pooled the platform under me."I feel like a princess." I smiled. "That was our goal. I'm glad your happy about it."
"I love it."
"Well, looks like everything's ready for tomorrow. You'll have to be back here in the morning to get ready."

Gathila pulled the dress over my head and hung it on a hanger. I slipped on my deep purple tunic, my black breeches and my boots. "Thank you, Garthila." I bowed my head. "Its been my pleasure." She picked up her dress and curtsied. I grabbed my satchel from the stool it sat on and left my chamber. Garthila said she would have everything packed and gone by the time I come back to get ready for tonight, our rehearsal dinner. Our whole bedroom has turned into a crazy brides dressing room, poor Kili hasn't been able to come in all day.

When I walked down the hall I ran my fingers along the cold stone and old ruins. It wasn't until I passed the courtyard that I realised I haven't seen Bilbo or Kili all day. Now i'm sure they're both busy running errands but I can't wonder help but wonder where they are. The company has been busy all day decorating. They took it upon themselves to decorate the mountain, it's a huge job but I believe in them. Maybe I should ask them?

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