Apologies And Forgivness

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All of the dwarves turned to Kili and I. "Hello, lassie. Kili." Balin bowed his head. "Hey Balin."
The company were all sitting on pieces of rock with their heads hung. They are looked the same. Miserable. Sad. Torn. I felt the same and I sure Kili did too."How's Thorin?" Balin asked me as I sat down on a rock next to Kili. "He's...he's not doing well. He said some...things." I frowned at the memory. "What sort of things?" Ori asked. I looked at Kili and he nodded to let me know I can say it.

"He...he said he would kill me," the company gasped "I only told him the truth, you know, he knows that he is not the same man anymore. Then, he said he will kill me, i didn't wait around any longer before I ran off." I bit the inside of my cheek. There was a long silence until Bofur spoke. "I'm sorry about Thorin, (Y/N). I know he did not mean what he said, he is in a bad place right now."
"I know, but thank you." I said.


We had been sitting in silence for nearly 20 minutes, only sharing a few words between each other. I was playing with one of my daggers in my hands, I could feel Kili watching beside me. I looked up at him and gave a small smile before looking back down at my dagger, running my fingers along the blade.

At the corner of my eye I saw Kili look up at something, he shot up out of his seat. I could hear the company stand up behind me. I looked up to see a light. An orange light coming from the back of the main hall, that we were all in. I stood up.
A black figure walked out of the light with a sword in hand and a long cloak flowing behind. That could only be one person.


His coat swayed behind him and his heavy boots walked across the stone floor. I gulped and wiped my clammy hands on my tunic. We had taken off all our ages ago so no one was wearing any and I'm wondered if we should have. I looked up to Kili who looked angry. As Thorin got closer to us Kili stepped forward. "I will not hide behind a wall of stone whilst others fight our battles FOR US!" Kili suddenly burst out in anger, it even shocked me.

The uncle and nephew approached each other and stopped with only a foot standing between them.
"It is not in my blood Thorin." Kili said with more emotion. Myself and the company stood there watching Kili and Thorin. I held my breath for Thorin's response.

"No, it is not." Thorin said "We are sons of Durin. And Durin folk do not flee from a fight." Thorins face softened and a small smile grew on his face. Kili's eyes became watery and his chin quivered. The two smiled and knocked heads together. My shoulders relaxed and I smiled. Our king is back.

Thorin walked past Kili and faced me. I gulped.
"Thorin, I-"
"No. I was wrong, about everything. You have brought out a side of Kili I never knew was there, he is happier and he has been ever since he first laid eyes on you back at the Shire." Thorin chuckled before carrying on "I remember, after our first battle with Azog, when we were safe you and Kili shared your first kiss." I looked to Kili who was blushing, knowing something I didn't. I looked back to Thorin.

"That very night Kili came to me and told me that when he kissed you he saw a light. Now, I know you are a bright hobbit and you've read into everything about middle earth but there's something you're yet to find out," He looked at me and smiled like I was his family "A dwarf only sees a light once in his lifetime, a light that shows the girl that walks in starlight, that is beyond this world, a light that shows him his soulmate and his future. A light that shows his one true love...And guess what (Y/N)?"

A single tear fell down my face as I smiled as I knew the answer coming. "What?" Thorin's smile widened. "That light was you." I looked over to Kili who was behind Thorin. My heart fluttered and I knew one thing. I was Kili's One, and he is mine.



Her lips were on mine and the moment was perfect. The sun set over the valleys below as Thorin and Bilbo shared their victorious embrace after the fight with Azog on the hill where we almost died. But now we're safe and I never wanted this moment to end. The company hasn't noticed (Y/N) and I behind them but when I pulled away I'd experienced something completely new in all my years of living.

Her eyes met mine as a...sort of light, flooded my sight like a halo around her head. A strange feeling flooded my heart, a feeling like warm laughter and future memories that I could not yet reach. Her beauty was totally beyond this world and it were as if some mythical being has blessed me with such a person as her.

I'd never told anyone, but I used to have these dreams. Distant dreams. There was always a figure standing before me, gracefully smiling at me, her childish laughter exploding in my ears and hair flowing down past her elbows that weakly danced in the wind with this blinding light behind her. But her face was always a blur. As if she was waiting for me, calling me to her but I had no idea when or how to get to her. And it always tore me whenever I was lead astray.

But she's right here. My One. My lips parted as I starred at the hobbit in my arms. What is this feeling? Why has this never happened before? What does it mean?


I walked past Thorin and toward Kili. I could feel everyone watching me, but I didn't care. Kili watched me as I approached him. Once I met with him I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, with more love i've ever felt before. Kili fell into the kiss and cupped my cheek with his hand. "My One." He smiled against my lips and i've felt like the most special girl on this earth.

His other hand trailed down my body all the way down to my waist which he gripped tightly. Once we parted I looked into his eyes. I didn't need to say anything. I could hear the company cheering and clapping behind me. I turned around with Kili's hand still on my waist.

Thorin turned to the company. "I have no right to ask this of any of you. But will you follow me...one last time?" The company gripped their weapons and the few remaining stood up. "You're right, Thorin, you have no right to ask us this," Silent thickened before my face formed into a grin "But I'm just a Shire Rat, so what do I know?" I chuckled as Thorin smiled weakly, guilty for his past self and his hurtful words. But that's behind us.

"We will fight with you, till the death!" Gloin said. He raised his sword up in the air and everyone did the same. "To the king." Gloin said waiting for us to repeat. "To the King!" We all repeated before heading towards the gate...where we will run to war.

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now