Chapter 5: A Hazy Night

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Whilst Kili, Fili and I were having our conversation I looked up to see Bilbo looking as pale as a ghost. Before anyone could say anything to him his final words were "nope" before he collapsed onto the floor with a thump. "Father!" I squished around the dwarfs in their chairs and fell to my knees next to him.

"What happened to him?" I slightly panicked at my unconscious father on the floor. "He was overwhelmed by the contract! I only told his to think furnace with wings. Works every time, well that's what I thought." Balin elbowed Bofur. "Don't worry laddie," Balin assured me "He's only fainted." I rolled my eyes and waited until Bilbo woke up.

Eventually, he began to stir and then woke up. "Father, are you okay?"
"Yes, i'm fine. Thank you, (Y/N)." Bilbo patted my arm and I helped his stand on his wobbly legs. I brought him over his arm chair and brought him a hot cup of tea. "Oo thank you, (Y/N)."
"Here," I passed his a tea towel "Wrap this around it, it's still very hot and I don't want you burning yourself...again." You don't even want to know what happened when I gave him a piping hot mug filled with also piping hot tea.

The room was silent and we were alone so I thought this would be the perfect moment to ask Bilbo about the adventure. "Father?" The fire crackled behind me and the heat hit the back of my neck. "Yes?" I could tell he knew what I was going to ask by the irritation in his tone of voice. I gulped before asking.

"Can I go with the dwarves to Erebor? It would be great to see the outside world outside of the Shire. You know this is all i've ever wanted." Bilbo starred at me with concern. "Gandalf," Bilbo turned to Gandalf "Can you guarantee that we will come back?" Gandalf was silent for a moment, thinking carefully before he answered.
"No. And if you do, you will not be the same."

"Right. Well, that's what I thought. I'm sorry (Y/N) but if your safety is not guaranteed, I can not let you go. I'm sorry." I crouched down and rested my hand on the arm of the chair. "My safety is never guaranteed," I argued "no matter where you are. That's the challenge of life. Please Father, I beg of you. You've always known that I want nothing more than see the world. I can't go on with my life knowing that i've missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Please." I looked up at his with big eyes, hoping they will help change his mind.

"And how could I go on with my life if something happened to you?" He accidentally snapped which made his reel back. "I'm with a company of dwarves, they said they've done quests like this countless of times. They will keep me safe, I trust them."

My hope returned when I saw him debating his thoughts. I did feel bad for pressuring him in front of Gandalf and a whole company that is counting on us but i've never wanted something more in my entire life. And he knows that. He looked at me with a fatherly look and sighed. "Fine."

A smile slapped onto my face as I jumped up in excitement "But! You have to promise me you will stay safe and come back home to me." My face dropped as fast as it rose. "Will you not come, Father?"
"No, I will not." He shook his head. "Why?"
"I'm a Baggins, us Baggins do not go on adventures and reclaim kingdoms." He pointed. "I am also a Baggins." I stood up. Bilbo was about to argue back until Gandalf spoke.

"You forget Master Baggins, that you are a Took as well as a Baggins." Gandalf began to persuade Bilbo by sharing the past of his ancestors so I left them alone and went to find Balin. I was practically jumping for joy when I saw Kili. "What are you so excited for?" He grinned. "I'm going on an adventure!" I squealed. "That's brilliant!" He grabs my shoulders holding me down before I jumped through the roof. "Where's Balin?" I asked.
"He's in the dining room."
"Great! I'm going to go sign the forms, meet me in the pantry in 5." I ran off leaving Kili in the hallway.

"Hey Balin!" I jumped onto the stool next to him.
"Ah, hello Lassie didn't think I'd see you again tonight. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Yes actually, can I please sign those forms?" Balin looked really happy, he handed me the sign and without reading it I was about to sign my name at the bottom.

"Ah, young lady I really do recommend reading the whole thing before you sign it." He warned me but unfortunately my excited brushed it off. "It's fine, I heard my father read over it, the worst i'm fine with. I want to do this." I assured him before signing the bottom of the page with my signature. It was official.

"Well, (Y/N), as of now you are a member of the company of Thorin Oakansheild!" He shook my hand to seal the deal. "Can't wait. I'll see you around, Balin!"
"Until we meet again Lassie!" He bowed his head.


It was later on in the night. Kili and I have had a few more pints of Ale and now my head was head felt fuzzy and light whenever I spun it too quickly. Am I drunk? No, I can't be. I was practically passed out from the Ale and exhaustion but Kili was basically sober. Clearly dwarves have experience. "(Y/N), you're drunk." He told me with a grin yet his eyes were concerned.

"No i'm not." I chuckled. "Yes you are." He leaned in and grinned. "And how do you know that?" I couldn't help it as the volume of my voice rose.
"Shush, (Y/N)," He laughed "You're practically yelling at me. And secondly, you have the alcohol blush." Sure, it's the alcohol. I paused. "Okay, maybe I am a bit tipsy," I leaned on Kili's shoulder as I was too tired to stand, I don't even know what time it is, all I knew is that it was late.

I could hear Bilbo talking to Thorin in the other room and it just occurred to me. "Oh god!" My hand slapped over my mouth. "What?" He slightly slurred. "Father! He would kill me if he found me like this, you gotta help me." I whispered to Kili very loudly. "Oh um, okay."

I tried to drink yet another sip of Ale until Kili swiped it out my hands. "For starters we can't have anymore of this tonight," I pouted and I mentally face planted myself for acting like an idiot. "Secondly, I have to get you to bed without anyone seeing." Kili was deep in thought but my drunk self walked out of the secret pantry and out into the open.

"(Y/N)!" Kili chased behind me but I was in my own world. "Hi Nori! How you doin'?" I held up my thumbs. He looked at me confused but only turned to the others and laughed. Kili kept on attempting to grab me but I wriggled away every time. "I'm just going to go say goodnight to my fathe-" Strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me away. "Hey- let go of me! Now!" Thinking back of the night, I want to die of embarrassment.

I struggled to get out of Kili's arms but he had a strong grip on me. He had brought me into the living room, where no one at that moment was.
"Here you go, (Y/N)." He gently laid me down onto the sofa. "Kili."
"Hello (Y/N)." He reached to the arm of the sofa and pulled out a coat i'm assuming was his and he laid it over my body.

"You're very pretty, Kili." I said nearly swatted him in the face as my drunk self tried to touch his face. He laughed. "And you are really drunk."
"But I mean it." I mumbled. "You'll forget all about this tomorrow, if not, you'll regret it." He had now tucked me under the blankets and coats. "Hmm, goodnight Kili." I mumbled whilst playing with his wavy hair.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He gently patted my head and walked away leaving me to sleep.I definitely regretted it the next day.

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