I'm going on an adventure!

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It was the crack of dawn when I was woken in the living room. "(Y/N)?" I fluttered my eyes open to see Kili with a hand on my shoulder. "Kili?"
I sat up completely clueless of what happened the night before...until I remembered. "Oh god, my head. Am I spinning or is the room?"

Kili laughed under his breath, trying to stay quiet "You'll be fine, c'mon you need to gather your stuff before we leave. I have woken you up before everyone else  so we would be ready in time."
"Thank you, Kili."
"You can thank me later." He said holding my arm to help me stand up but I was able to quickly regain my foot.

Once we had finally made it to my room I rummaged through my drawers and chests. "This is nice." Kili said whilst running his hand along my bookshelves, overflowing with books i've read or are yet too. "Thanks, Father let me re-decorate last year," I paused "Um Kili?"
"Yeah?" He asked from my window. "What do I actually need to reclaim a kingdom? Because i've kind of never done it before." Kili laughed. "Have you got any weapons?"
"No." Why would I?
"That's fine, we can find some on the way. Other than weapons you just need the essentials, don't want anything weighing us down."

I looked down at my bag with my essentials and two books, you never know. "Right...well in that case i'm done." I placed my hands on my hips and looked down at my satchel. "Great! Now let's go, everyone will be ready to leave." I hauled my backpack over my shoulder but almost toppled over. Im actually going on a quest!


"We leave now, everyone get on a pony." Thorin ordered everyone. I hoisted myself onto a small dark brown pony. It was smaller than the others as I was smaller than the other dwarfs. I looked back at my home with my father inside, I never even got to say goodbye. My heart ached as I mentally said farewell to my home and my sleeping father before riding off with the men that I will be with for a long time.

"Do you think he will come?" Kili rode next to me as we rode out of the Shire. "Who?"
"Mr Boggins." He laughed."Right. I hope he comes I would hate to leave him by himself for so long," I really meant it. I turned to him "Oh and also we are Baggins', not Boggins."
"Really?" Kili said with a tone of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes.

We rode along in silence for a good 15 minutes and I was considering turning around to go back home before we heard yelling not far behind us. "Wait!" We all turned to see Bilbo running toward us with the form flying around next to him and my smile of relief beamed. "Wait! I signed it!"

He ran ahead to Balin and handed him the form which he took from my father to look over. "You came!" I rope up a bit further to the front to my father. He exhaled from running and tightened his lips in a smile "What kind of father would I be if I let my daughter go on an adventure without me?" There's the Baggins in him.

"Well, everything seems to be in order. Welcome Bilbo Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakansheild." There's not turning back now. "Get him a pony." Thorin ordered. "Oo no thank you, I've done my fair bit of waking holidays. Haven't we (Y/N)?" I mentally face planted myself. "Please, someone get him a pony." I said.

I laughed as Fili and Kili next to me worked together to hoist Bilbo up onto a pony. Bilbo was sitting up straight with an arched back whilst he  held the reigns at shoulder level with his fingertips. He looked incredibly uncomfortable and awkward. "Well that's one way of doing it I guess." I said to myself. "Works well enough." Fili said beside Kili, who was next to me. "Well this is it, i'm going on a adventure!"


Writers note:
Hey guys, sorry this is such a small chapter. I'm hoping to write more and I hope you will all enjoy it!
Until next time everyone!

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