On the run from Orcs

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We had made it out of the caves and the sun was shining. I held my hand up to shield out the sunlight. We were all mumbling amongst each other until we heard something approaching us, quickly. Too quickly. We all gathered in a protective circle, Kili reached his arm out in front of me to protect me. It was a small gesture but I secretly loved it.

Out of the trees flew a wizard. He wore the same robe and hat at Gandalf but his was a dark brown. He had some dried up liquid, possibly bird poo, falling down the side of his face and had a tooth poking out, he was standing in a sleigh which was carried by very large, and fast, rabbits. "Thieves! Fire! Murder!" Who is this man?

"Radagast The Brown? What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf tried to calm the flustered brown wizard. "Oh. I had a thought and now it's gone. It was on the tip of my tongue." He stuck out his tongue which has some insect on it. Oh. I turned to Kili. "Who is this wizard?"

"He is Radagast the Brown, one of the 5 wizards."
"Ah, okay." I turned back to the mad wizard and his sleigh. "What breed of rabbits are those," I pointed to the rabbits "They seem rather large to be normal rabbits." I heard Kili laugh under his breath "They are Rhosgobel Rabbits, could out run anyone."
"Woah." I admired the rabbits as I had never seen anything like that before.

Radagast was smoking Gandalfs pipe which made his eyes roll to the back of his head. Odd. I was just standing there until I heard a low growl from above me. I screamed as a large wolf ,with the sharpest teeth and scariest eyes I have ever seen, pounced toward me.
Just as the wolf-thing pounced on me Dwalin smashed it with his mace.

My knees buckled and I stumbled back into someone's arms. Kili. I looked up to look at his stubbly chin as he was looking at the beast in front who was being smashed to death by Dwalin and Thorin. "Kili." His brown eyes looked down at me with concern. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"
"Yes i'm fine, but what is that?" I looked up and the dwarves had slain the beast with their swords and maces. "A Warg."

Gandalf looked to Thorin and he was furious. "Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?"
"No one." Thorin frowned. "Who did you tell!?" I hadn't seen Gandalf this angry before. "No one. I swear. What in Durin's name is going on?" Thorin looked up to the wizard for answers.

Gandalf gulped and exchanged glances with everyone of us before sharing news that I never thought i'd here. "You are being hunted." Those 4 words scared me down to my core. Hunted? I can barely swing a sword, protect myself and we are being hunted? I'm a dead hobbit.

"We have to get out of here!" Dwalin yelled. "We can't," Ori yelled from the top of the hill "We have no ponies! They bolted!" Bilbo and I share a terrified glance with each other. "Well what are we going to do about it?" I managed to say. "I'll draw them off." Radagast clutched onto his staff.
"These are Gundabad wargs. They will out run you." Gandalf told him with a don't be ridiculous tone.
"These are Rhosgobel rabbits," Radagast suddenly looked determined "I'd like to see them try."


We were sneaking from bolder to rock as Radagast drew them off. My heart was pounding and my legs were shaking. I held my sword with a tight grip even though I don't think I would be able to do any harm. We had to turn around as we almost ran straight into the line of Wargs that were bolting after Radagast.

Once they finally all passed Thorin signaled for us to behind sprinting across the field which we did. My lungs were screaming for air and my face was growing red, a stitch piercing my side. My muscles quickly became fatigued but I was praying that my legs won't give in and that I can just keep on running. Ori had almost ran out and been seen if it were not for Thorin who had yanked him back behind the rock by the back of his tunic.

"All right, all of you quick." Gandalf guided us through the fields. I was running beside to Kili and he shared glances with me to make sure I was able to catch up. We all rushed to hide behind a rock, due to all 15 of us trying to hide behind a single rock it meant I was squished between Fili and Gloin.

We all held our breathes when we heard a Orc, riding an Warg, climb ontop of the rock we were hiding behind, trying to search for us even though we were right below their noses. Thorin signalled a look to Kili, he quietly grabbed an arrow, ran out and shot the Warg between the eyes. The beast fell off the rock and let out a god-awful growl.

The Orc that fell from the warg made direct eye contact with me and began running in my direction. My eyes opened wide and no air was going into my lungs. Just before the Orc could take a swing I swung my arms, with sword in hand, and sliced the Orc's stomach. I did it! Fili came to help me and finished off the creature with his sword. "Thanks." I exhaled with a bead of sweat on my forehead. "No problem."

It seemed right to relax but are problems were far from finished. The Warg had signalled it's kin to our exact location. Great. "Run!" We once again were sprinting through the field. I could hear the pack not far behind us. I felt like bending over and throwing up. My lungs were burning and it hurt trying to push my legs faster.
We all came to a stop. We were surrounded.

"Where is Gandalf?" Someone yelled. "He has a abandoned us!"
"Again!?" I could just be heard over the growling and the beating of my heart. "We're surrounded!" Kili yelled pulling out his bow. "Shoot them, Kili." Thorin ordered Kili. Kili released arrows from his bow some soared and hit, some missed.

"This way! All of you!" Gandalf was standing by a rock with a hole in the ground. One by one the dwarfs slid into the hole. I tried to run but I was frozen in place. I tried with every bit in me to move my legs but they wouldn't move. The air had stopped coming into my lungs and the hairs stood up on my arms. Fear.

"Kili! (Y/N)! Move!" Thorin was yelling at me to move from the rock but I couldn't. Move. Dammit move! The Wargs were running towards me at top speed. This is it. I'm going to die because I didn't move my damn legs.

Through the blinding thoughts scattered around my head I felt a hand grab mine and pull me. I was finally able to move, so I turned around and sprinted. Kili was next to me running, still holding my hand, sharing a few glances with me. We eventually made it to the cave where Thorin was ready to jump in after me and Kili.

Still hand in hand we slid down into the cave. I laid there on the floor next to Kili. My chest was rising and falling as sweat dripped down the side of my head. "(Y/N), are you okay?"
"Yes. Thank you, Kili." I gave his hand a squeeze as I gasped for air. "You would have died." He was also gasping for air with slight anger in his voice. I feel so stupid freezing up there. If it weren't for Kili I would have been ripped to pieces all because I let fear take over me. "I know."

We were still gasping for air when Bilbo rushed over to me clutched my head to his chest. "Oh god, (Y/N). You scared me to death, I thought you were going to die."
"I'm fine." I insisted. "Please never, ever, do that to me ever again. Promise me?" He grabbed my face and searched it to see if I had been harmed, but I was fine. "I promise."

A horn was blown and arrows were shot from above. It sounded like horses were galloping around above us, and like it was a small army up there. I gasped as a dead Orc fell down into the hole with us, he had an arrow in his head.
Thorin picked up the arrow only to throw it down again. "Elves." He said in disgust. We could hear the elves and Wargs/Orcs fighting, luckily we were hidden from the fight.

"I can't see ahead of the path, do we follow it or no?" Dwalin called from a narrow path in the walls.
"Follow it, of course." Bofur followed into the path, the rest of us did the same.


Writers note:
Hey guys! I'm going to be going on and off the actual script from the movie. I'm sorry if some parts are a bit mixed up.
Until next time,

A Journey I'll Always Remember (Kili x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now