Chapter 12

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"Lorelai's Letter"

After the events with the giant the day before, Regina sat next to Cora on the couch in her home, telling her about Emma leaving town with Henry and Gold. "Why didn't you stop them?" Cora asked.

"I didn't know until after they had gone." Regina replied.

"I'm sure he's safe. As soon as Gold is done, Henry will be back." Cora said, offering Regina a small smile.

"But not with me." Regina sighed.

"Back from where?" Killian asked as he walked into the room, Lily and Evander were close behind him.

"Lilith, who is this?" Cora asked as she looked at Evander.

"My son. Evander." Lily replied.

Killian was still in a shock after learning he was a uncle. Lily had sat him down that morning to tell him about her children; and he had promised to help her find daughters, Lorelai and Adrienne, after his own quest was complete.

With some encouragement from his mother, Evander agreed to join her and his uncle on their little quest. His main motive being they would have help to find his sisters afterwards.

"Where is the dark one?" Killian asked.

"I don't know." Regina answered. "He left town with Emma and Henry yesterday morning."

"Well, if he's left town, it means he's powerless. He can be killed." Killian said.

"The moment either of us leave, we lose our magic. The same thing will happen to Lilith. We won't have our advantage." Cora said.

"What about our memories?" Evander asked.

"None of us were victims of the curse. It's not about memories. It's about magic." Regina said.

"I don't need magic to kill him. I'll go after him alone." Killian said.

He turned to leave the room but Regina stood up and began to speak, causing him to stop. "Even if you could find him, do you really think you can just walk up to him and stab him with your sword?"

"Or shoot him with your ancient pistols?" Lily added.

"Well, my preferred weapon of choice is my hook, but I can't find that right now." Killian said.

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