Chapter 36

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"Promise me"


With everyone gathered at Granny's Diner trying to work out how it was possible for Gold to be alive, Lily stood over by a window peaking out to see Athena walking down the street with a purpose; but also slight suspicion. She kept glancing around as if she was making sure nobody was following her.

If she was allowed, she would've followed Athena to find out what was going on with her, but for the first time in her life, she was working with heroes to defeat the bad guy. It wasn't something she was sure she could get used to, but at that time, she didn't have much of a choice.

She furrowed her eyebrows in curiosity as she watched Athena disappear around the side of a building. It was only when Lorelai touched her arm that she was brought back into the conversation. "What?" She questioned.

"You're going with Regina to the farmhouse to search for anything the Wicked Witch might've left behind." Emma instructed and Lily nodded her head.

There was too much going on for her to even argue about where she wanted to go or what she wanted to do. Life was made easier if she just went along with what the heroes wanted.

She glanced over at Alice and Ophelia. "What of them?" She asked.

"They'll stay here with me. I'll look after them." Granny said.

Lily looked at Granny and flicked her eyes up and down. She had barely had any interaction with the older woman since she arrived in Storybrooke, so she wasn't convinced she was the best option; but she was the only one.

"Be careful." Emma said.

"She's the one who needs to be careful. She invaded my space. When I return the favour, I'm not pulling any punches." Regina said.

Before she left with Regina, Lily made sure her children were okay with what was going on. She didn't say a word to her own brother though.  She just quickly glanced at him before she left.


With  Lily and Regina gone, the others had split up between the forest and Gold's pawn shop. Killian had revealed that Neal thought he could bring his father back to life, and that's what he was trying to do in the Enchanted Forest before the new curse brought them all back to Storybrooke.

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