Chapter 27

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"Echo Cave"

After everyone had returned to the camp site, Evander had woken Fallon up and offered the canteen to her. She gladly took the canteen and drank from it. And just like Evander, her dreamshade wound magically healed. She had always hoped to get off the island one day to live her life the way she wanted, but if being stuck on the island meant she could live, she was okay with that.

Emma sat in front of the camp fire and Regina stood behind her. "Focus. Concentrate." She said.

"It's kind of hard when you're talking in my ear." Emma replied.

"And when the wind blows or it's raining, or...someone's shooting arrows at you. Yes, concentration is hard. That's the point." Regina said. "Find your anger and use it to focus."

Emma shook her head. "No. There has to be a way without going dark."

"You're such a pathetic waste of ability." Regina scoffed.

"And you are a monster." Emma said as she looked up at Regina.

Regina smirked slightly. "Smell that?"

"What?" Emma snapped.

"Smoke." Regina said before she turned and walked away.

Sighing as he watched Regina walk away, Killian walked over to David and Mary Margaret. "We need to talk." He said before pulling them out of Emma's earshot. "Lily told me something. Neal is alive and he's on this very island."

"That's impossible." Mary Margaret said. "Both Emma and Evander saw him get shot. He fell through a portal. No one could survive that."

"Well, he did and now he's here." Killian sighed. "I've noticed signs that he was at this very camp while we were in his cave."

"According to your sister, if she's telling the truth." Mary Margaret said.

"Mary Margaret has a point." David said. "Lilith is the Dark Witch and she hates you. Why would she tell you something like this?"

"Because she's an evil witch that takes immense pleasure in torturing me." Killian said.

"From what I've heard about your story, it sounds like you deserve to be tortured." Mary Margaret said. "But she told you the truth. Tracks...and a scuffle. Someone was here while we were gone." She bit her lip and glanced over at Emma. "We have to tell her."

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