Chapter 28

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"Dark Hollow"

"Find a woman named Belle and give her this." Gold explained as he gave Ariel a sand dollar. "She'll know what to do."

"Belle. Storybrooke. Got it. And Eric? Where will I find him in this new world?" Ariel asked.

"Well, that comes after you've succeeded." Regina said. "Incentives are important. The bracelet will only give you legs for twenty-four hours."

Ariel looked at her. "How do I know you will uphold your end of the bargain when I'm back?"

"I guess you'll just have to trust me." Regina said.

Ariel turned and dove into the water.


As he was preparing weaponry with Felix, Pan got an odd feeling and shifted uncomfortably. He could sense that somebody had left the island. "What is it?" Felix asked.

"Someone's leaving the island." Pan answered.

"Where? How shall we stop them?" Felix asked.

"Well, it's too late now." Pan said. "Don't worry though, Felix. I have a feeling things are going to work out."

Felix simply nodded his head, choosing to believe in Pan and his plans.


Elsewhere on the island, the Storybrooke gang had gathered in a clearing. "Pan's shadow? That's your way off the island?" Emma asked, looking at Neal almost in disbelief.

Neal nodded his head. "Unfortunately, that's the only way." He said.

"Uh, we thought you learned to navigate the stars." David admitted.

"Oh, I know how to navigate the stars, but I can't fly." Neal said.

"I'm guessing that's where the shadow comes in." Mary Margaret said, and Neal nodded his head. "That's why we have to capture it." He said.

"Capture it? We've never been within ten feet of Pan unless he wanted us to be." Emma said. "Sneaking up on his shadow? That seems insane."

"My father's shadow is rarely with him." Fallon said. "It's a separate thing. It can carry out his orders from miles away."

"What does that mean for us?" David asked.

"It means we can get his shadow without having to be anywhere near Pan." Neal said. "As long as we know where to look. I know where to look."

"Okay, then you and I are on shadow duty." Emma said. She and Neal stood up and Killian decided to join them. "I'll join you." He said. "You could use another veteran of the island."

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