The Start

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"I don't know anything...!"
A man screamed as bright lights shun down on his face.

"No. Everyone knows something.
Tell me anything you know."
Another man hissed sternly, shining the light right into the other man's eye.

"...he's a new boss! He took over only recently...! We don't even know what he looks like or who he is..! We just know to beware of the man with eyes on the palm of his hands...!"
The man yelled once more, shutting his eyes due to the brightness that illuminated from the light.

The interrogator let go of the light and stepped back.
He let out a drawn sigh, "alright.
Your interrogation is done."
He walked out of the concrete room and stepped outside to the hallway that led to the room.

"What did you learn so far, detective Tsukauchi?"
Another man asked as he followed.

"I'll explain when we make it to the conference room"
Tsukauchi said, a bit annoyed, as he opened the door to the conference room and walked in.

Heroes and other detectives sat at a large wooden round table, waiting for the results of the interrogation.
What did you get out of him?"
The #1 hero asked.

Tsukauchi sat down at the head of the table and shook his head.
It's just the same old same old.
New guy came in and took over, what's known about him?
All that's known is that he has eyes on the palms of his hands."

" this rate he's taken over almost all the Mafia and gang organizations in Japan..."

"Yes it's bad.
We don't know what to do.

It's like he knows our every move."


"Heh. This is good"
A voice chuckled as he watched the meeting play out from the safety of his home.

"Looks like no matter how hard they try, they won't be able to figure out who I am.

Who would suspect a freshman highschooler of being a notorious villain?"
He stood up and walked over to his desk.

"I'm glad I was able to get such a big commission.
With this being hung up on large buildings of Tokyo, I'll be able to see everything."
He sat down and began to draw.

The lines glowed a light green as every pencil stroke was embued.

It was a long process, it took many hours but it'd be worth it in the end.

At the end, the drawing ended up being a hyperrealistic black eye.
The drawing glowed green all at once before it all subsided.

He yawned.
He glanced at the clock, it was 12am.
"I took longer than I thought I would. But at last.
I'm done.
Now I just leave a signature."

He signed the art piece with his initials "I.M"
Though it was written in such a way that the letters couldn't be made out.

"7 million yen, all for me.
Its good this commission came in on time, I have bills to pay."
He pulled out his phone and messaged his buyer.

"It's done"

"Amazing! I'll pick it up tomorrow"


"No thank you, what time can I drop by?"

"Early morning works good, 7am.
I'm busy after school"

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