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A breeze of wind ruffled Monoma's straight blond hair, he walked down the streets of Musutafu all alone.

"I need to use the train to get home today"
He thought to himself, a bit annoyed with the thought.

He walked to the station, unaware of the fact he had been followed.
Though, those following looked like any average day to day person.
Innocent people that, too, wanted to get home.

Trains moved fast, too fast for comfort.
Accidents were to be avoided at all costs if one wanted a chance of survival...

Monoma pulled out his phone and stood towards the edge of the platform, it was his usual habit.
He was warned many times of the dangers that came with standing so close to the tracks, but he was too hardheaded.
So hardheaded that he disregarded their warnings all together.

The followers shot a glance at him, though they remained innocent looking to everyone else.
They weren't in any particular disguise, they weren't fearsome looking in anyway...
They were just average citizens with unknown malicious intent.

"Show time"
One said, pulling out his phone to show off a new show that had recently dropped.
Though it was a code word.
A codeword disguised to look like any conversational word.

The train could be seen in the short distance, within a minute it would come barreling through the station.

Anyone who happened to fall within the tracks only had a minute to save themself.

It was enough time for someone athletically fit; but little kids, old people, and anyone with a disability were at their ends meet.

But they could still fall lucky, a minute from a distance was more than enough time for the train to come to a swift stop.

The followers knew just that.

That's why they waited...

Monoma had been completely unaware that he was trapped and that death had been waiting for him at his doorstep.

"What should I eat for lunch later...?"
Monoma asked himself as he tried to search for something on his phone.

The train could be seen much closer now.
In less than 15 seconds, it would come barreling through.

His phone grew slippery in his hands, as did his traction to the ground below his feet...

(Tw for the next events ⚠️)

"..huh- what's going on..??"
He panicked as he grew extremely dizzy, too dizzy...

So dizzy that...

He could no longer uphold his balance.

His phone slipped out of his hands, it went falling...
Falling towards the tracks.

Panic surged through him as he jolted forward to grab his phone from falling.


Within that moment, he lost balance of himself entirely...

Bright lights of the train hit his face as he fell...
Right into the tracks...

"AAA- NO...!!"
a cut off agonized scream was all that was heard before blood splattered everywhere on the tracks...

The train came to an immediate stop but it was far too late, what had happened was impossible to take back.






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