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"Good game."
Midoriya smiled, watching the confetti land on the ground gently.
He removed the net and hoped Todoroki up.

Aizawa, principal nezu, and present mic stepped up again, amazed.
"That was amazing Midoriya!"
Present mic shouted, his eyes lit up with excitement.

"That was...
Most definitely something."
Aizawa added, not knowing how to respond to what Midoriya did.

Principal nezu cleared his throat and walked up to Midoriya, "I have to say- your intelligence and analytical abilities are beyond extraordinary.
You ended this round fast... And just with the details you had.!

It's truly amazing.

Please meet me in my office after this class is over."
He said, sliding a note into Midoriya's hands.

The class stared at him wide-eyed, he had been complimented by the principal of UA.
Recognized on his intellect alone, it wasn't something just anyone could achieve.

"Thank you."
Midoriya smiled warmly, he didn't know how to really respond.

"One more round!
Then class is over.

Here are the new teams."
Aizawa shouted, he went on to list out 2 new sets of teams.

They were sent off to their bases again, the only difference was; this time around, they only had 45 seconds to come up with a plan.

And so Midoriya came up with a perfect plan and told everyone what it was.
He had come up with the plan ever since the teams were listed out, so he had much more than 45 second to come up with the plan.

The 45 seconds were more of explaining just that the plan was to his classmates.

The 45 seconds were up fast, and from there the third and final round began.

Midoriya already knew who had the gun, however instead of charging at them directly like he has the previous round- he had his teammates charge at them.

He protected his team's weapon and watched as his teammates came out with the gun of the other team.

The confetti was shot, securing the thrud and final win for Midoriya.
His planning worked, again.

"Midoriya! How do you do that!?"
Kaminari exclaimed, running up to him. He could only stare utterly dumbstruck, it didn't make sense how someone could accurately guess who had the gun 3 times in a row.
It also didn't make any more sense how he had been able to come up with the perfect plan to secure the gun as well.

"Haha... I just do..!"
Midoriya replied, smiling warmly.
He could feel the stares from his classmates, all stares of pure shock.

"...are you sure you're quirkless...?
What if your quirk is intelligence, and since it isn't a physical defensive or offensive quirk it just didn't show..."
Mineta stated, unable to wrap his mind around how someone could think like Midoriya.

"No no, I'm definitely quirkless.
You can ask Bakugo.
Doctor explained quite well how it won't be possible for me to ever manifest a quirk either."
Midoriya sighed.

"Wow then.
You're really smart."

The bell rung, class was dismissed.

Midoriya walked through the halls, he looked at the note principal nezu had given him.
"Please find me in my office."

It was all the note had said.

"Seeing as how he recognized me based on my intellect, I won't be surprised if he attempts to give me an assessment of some sort.
Principal nezu himself has a high IQ, he's known for it.

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