Steps to Success

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Midoriya took a deep breath in, standing before the starting line.
"Just 5 purple items.
I find those and make it to the finishing line."
He shut his eyes, looking through the eyes of Aizawa who knew where his 5 items were.

"This'll be a challenge for all of them.
While 4 of their items are scattered around the map, the last one they need is attached to Present mic who will be actively fighting them.
I can only wonder how this'll end"
Aizawa thought to himself.

Midoriya released his breath and slowly opened his eyes, "alright.
I know what I need to do."
He ensured his contacts were in their correct placement, he couldn't let anyone find out that he had them on.

Present mic stretched in the background, Midoriya watched through Aizawa's eyes as he kept another eye on the map, waiting for the signal to start.

Midoriya stretched his legs out and readied himself.
Aizawa said, sending his students into the race officially.

Midoriya jumped off his platform, swiftly landing on ground level where he knew he'd find his first item.
He pretended to look around and spot it, he couldn't have made it obvious that he had found out through hearing Aizawa's thoughts.

He grabbed the purple item, it was a plushie.
He stuffed it into a little bag that was within his hero outfit and ran through the streets of ground beta.

He could see present mic, though they were far apart from one another.
Midoriya had spotted him through the display screen that Aizawa had been watching.

Midoriya jumped up, grabbing a metal pipe and swinging himself up onto a low raised roof of a building.
There he "coincidentally" found his second item. He played it off as luck and stuffed the second purple plushie into the bag as well.

He took off from there, flying through ground beta in search of the other 2 items.
He knew he wouldn't be able to get the third item just yet.

He spotted Sato, Midoriya smiled and waved, noticing that Sato had yet to find even one of his items.
"It wasn't my intention to win or get riled up by competition.
But since I already have to do this, I might as well make fun of it"
He thought to himself, allowing himself to smile a smile that wasn't all too friendly.
It looked awfully a lot like Bakugo's who could be seen flying in the distance with only 1 plushie

"Woah Midoriya is doing great, he already found 2 of his items.
At this rate, he might beat Bakugo!"
Sero exclaimed, watching the race play out on the screen.

"Wow, Midoriya beating Bakugo might send Bakugo into a rage.
Can't wait to see it"
Kaminari snickered, thinking of the future that was to come.

Midoriya continued flying through the air, he found his third plushie hanging on a window seel and his fourth plushie under a bridge.
"And now I have to deal with present mic.
I have to find him first... "
He thought to himself as he hovered in the sky, pretending to look around for the fifth plushie after having flown around everywhere in search of it.
He could spot the finishing line, all he needed was the one item.

Bakugo was gaining on him as well, he had already collected 3 plushies and was close to finding his fourth before needing to fight present mic.

Present mic screamed, sending an attack straight for Midoriya.
Midoriya's eyes widened as he quickly dodged, he hadn't realized how loud Present mic could be up until that moment.

"Woah what's going on??"
Kirishima asked, spectating with a bucket of popcorn.

"Hey look!
He has all their plushies!"
Sero pointed out.

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