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"... you're dead..."
Izuku said, tears streaming down his face as his mother gave him one last warm smile and faded away.

He found himself in his current home, out of his childhood house.
He was completely alone.

In the dream, he looked at himself in the mirror.
"...i'm alone now..."


The dream ended from there.

Midoriya's eyes slowly opened up, swollen as could be.
It was still late at night.
He felt warmth on his stomach, he looked up and found his cat seated there.
She purred soundly, sleeping on his belly.

He sighed, raising his hand up, he pet her head and sat up.
Midoriya looked out of his window, the moon still sat high in the sky.

He glanced at his clock, "3am.
I still have a lot of sleep to catch up on..."
He laid back down and shut his eyes to sleep.

However the night wasn't restful at all as all his dreams were about his life stress and his late mother.

When morning came, he found himself to be just as tired when he first slept.

He let out an exhausted sigh, " I have to go to the hospital...

And tell everyone who's ever known mom(which is only 1 person) that she's passed.

Which means..."
He audible groaned as he dragged his hand down his face.
"I have to go to Bakugo's house.. "

A new predicament had arrisen, Midoriya didn't have Bakugo's number.
And the only way he'd be able to deliver the news to his mother, was by visiting in person.

He stood up, gently moving sapphire to the side.
He did his usual, showering, getting dressed, and any basic hygiene he typically would do.

He slipped on his gloves and looked in the mirror.

He had been wearing a light hoodie and jeans, just a casual outfit.
His hair was okay but his face spoke thousands of words.

He had swollen eyes and dark eye bags.
It was obvious he didn't get a wink of sleep and had been sad about something.

Midoriya sighed, putting his phone in his pocket.
"Time to go."

He left the house and went to the hospital.
It was a long way there and he really didn't want to go- only for the fact that he didn't want to confirm it with his own eyes...
Confirm that his mother had truly passed.

It wasn't something he wanted to accept...

As he walked through the streets, he could hear many talking about the devastation that had occured the day and night before.
Aside from just the sports festival incident, all might's death had been a hot topic.

Midoriya could hear a news channel discussing it.

"Pro hero all might found dead this morning.

...many are mourning over his tragic loss, investigators have concluded that the one behind his death is none other than the notorious villain Optic.
Having been responsible for the catastrophe that occured during the festival just the day before, he also personally killed all might.

All might was found stabbed and cut.
However, the cut was identified to have come from a poison laced dagger.
The poison is highly toxic with a 100% mortality rate, only taking minutes to end someone the most painful way possible.

Details on how the poison destroys the system will not be discussed because of graphic details.

His body was also found burned, due to the fire and explosion that occured after he had passed.

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