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"And the league will be the perfect puppets for the job"
Midoriya arrived at his home, it was silent per usual.
Sapphire purred at his leg, welcoming his return.

Now to take some things I'll need"


After packing things in a couple suitcases, going back to UA, finding his room, and unpacking, Midoriya established some plans that would greatly help his temporary stay at UA.

Sapphire was also brought along, with no one to take care of her, it was a requirement.

"This bag is perfect.
I just need somewhere to hide it."
Midoriya thought to himself as he stuck a dagger inside the small bag.
The bag was very special.

So as long as an individual item didn't exceed 30 pounds, he could stick anything inside of it.

The bag itself was small, it could be held in one hand.
It was the perfect tool he had fetched off the black market.

"A spot where no one would ever look."
Midoriya thought to himself, sticking in the place he knew no one would ever suspect.

He had many other things in the bag, but it wasn't noticeable after all.
What made it even better was that no one could access it unless they were izuku Midoriya himself.
If they even tried to get anything out of it, they'd find it empty on their side.

The bag itself was manufactured with the help of many quirks and complex technology that came with an advanced future.

He glanced around at his room, it had been set up like any average room.
Nothing suspicious in the slightest.

And now to actually get my plan moving along.
The league.

I'll have them attack at some point, the attack has to be so drastic that the whole school is shut down.

When would be the perfect time to attack?
A time when everyone is busy.
A time where the heroes won't be able to help.
A time that no one would expect.
A time that would throw everyone off.

I'll have to check in with the mole, see the time schedule, and get them to make sure everything can happen perfectly.

In order for this place to shut down, the most public backlash must be thrown at it.
Nezu has to go bankrupt.

Should I just leak his bank info?

I guess I could do that on top of the plan."
Midoriya stared at himself in the mirror, "I'm just an innocent teenage boy.

No one would think to suspect me. No one would believe that the notorious villain Optic was me.

It's perfect."


The class soon adjusted to the dorm life, but there was one thing that remained mystery.

Who would be the new classmate?
No one knew just yet.

The class sat together in the large living space, It was the day before they had class.
Aizawa had told them the new student would be coming in.

Rumor had it that they weren't from any other classes at the school, that they had been on the waiting list.
Everyone wished to know who the mysterious student was.


Midoriya already knew.
"I'm surprised they picked her over that one person from the general class.
Though, in terms of quirks, I suppose they both tie in strength.
I wonder how they'll let her use her quirk though?

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