Heroes vs Villain Training

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"Now I wait and watch"
Midoriya thought to himself as his eyes turned a deep blue.
He had been looking through all might's eyes.

"Perfect, he's watching the camera footage.
I'll know exactly where bakugo and sero are from this point.
They can't see my eyes either.
Okay good."
Midoriya watched himself from all might's eyes.

Bakugo and Sero entered the building, Midoriya waited patiently on the second floor.

"I made the first trap obvious.
They'll try to avoid the first trap and fall for the second one.
If they can avoid the second one and make it up to the second floor then they'll have to deal with the other traps.

If they can still avoid those then I'll just fight them head on and knock them out."
Midoriya thought to himself, watching as Sero fell boldly for the first trap.

The net enclosed on him and dragged him up into the air.
Bakugo stared dumbstruck, "you seriously fell for a trap like that!?"
He hissed as he tried to rip it down and free him.

However the net wouldn't come off, nor would it rip.
Sero was trapped and that was the end of it.

"Tch, I don't need you anyways."
Bakugo Sighed as he pushed on past him.

"You can't trick me Deku!"
Bakugo screamed as he avoided the second trap and walked right up the stairs.

"Now to send the barrel"
Midoriya pushed a wooden barrel down the stairs, bakugo quickly jumped above it but was met with a basket to the face.
He fell back and rolled down the stairs.

Midoriya ran to the other staircase and awaited for Bakugo to come running up towards him again.
He knew that wouldn't be enough to stop him.
So he had many other attacks prepared.

Bakugo screamed As he ran up the stairs.
Midoriya was no where to be seen.

He ran to the other stairwell and found a net waiting for him.
Midoriya said, wearing a smile of his own.
He shot the net gun and captured Bakugo instantly.
He toppled down the stairs and entangled himself in the net even more.

All might cheered through the microphone.

Midoriya wore a smug grin as he pulled down his hoodie and waved to the camera.

"You bastard!"
Bakugo screamed, struggling in the net as Midoriya made his way down the stairs.

"Don't be such a sore loser, Kacchan"
Midoriya half-sneered as he pulled off the net and capsulized it.

"Don't act all cocky, you only won because of your cheap tricks."

The pairs walked back to the room where the rest of their classmates had been watching.
It was a huge camera room, it displayed the footage of the training live.

"Woah that was amazing Midoriya!"

"Those elaborate traps were great!"

"You really utilized everything given!"

"You're like a genius!"

"Alright now settle down class.

Great job Midoriya, you did well.
Now for the general question.

Who was the MVP of the round?"
All might said, cutting off their praise.

"I think it's pretty obvious..."

"I mean..."

"I think it was Midoriya."

"Explain your reasoning"

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