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"You won't be in any more pain from here on out."
Midoriya said, glancing back at the trio that stood behind him in guard of anyone else who could come in and try anything.

He sighed, "we'll be returning to base now.
I'll send some high ranks here to survey who's with us and who's against us later.

For now, let's just leave and get her to the base.

Make sure there's a clear path until we can make it outside, I'll tell you what direction we are to go"
Midoriya stated as he approached the girl.

She froze up, not knowing what was going on.

"what's your name?"
He asked plainly, though he already knew.


...are you here to hurt me...?"
She asked.

"No, Eri.
We're here to get you out of here.

You're officially coming with me."
Midoriya held out his hand to her, waiting for her to accept.

Hesitantly, she gave him her hand and crawled off her bed.

Midoriya pulled something out of his pocket, "this'll help you.
The path from here to my base isn't going to be an easy one, and I doubt it'll be something you want to see or hear judging by your earlier reaction.

Put this on"
He said, handing her a seemingly normal bracelet.

She put it on and shortly after she found herself asleep.
Midoriya lifted her up and held her cradle style.

"I don't know what her quirk is, but judging by the fact Chisaki was able to make a quirk destroying drug out of her, it must have some dangerous properties if not in control.

If she panics and uses it while I try to escape with her, I could be put at risk.
This is the best solution"
He thought to himself as he stood himself right in the middle of the trio.

Hawks stood behind Midoriya while edgeshot and present mic stood to the front side.
Hawks's wing sensitivity would allow for him to hear any attacks that were to come from behind.

He flared up his wings and held his guard high.

"Let's go"
Midoriya said.

And so they began their walk.

Eri was held close to Midoriya, within the cloak of his outfit.
It covered her body, only leaving her head poking out and rested right on his arm.

"She's pretty light.
Is it because of her age or the abuse, who knows."
Midoriya thought to himself as he watched Hawks quickly deal with their first problem.

Attacks from all around started to flood in, though they were easily dealt with.

The members of the Yakuza weren't as strong as Midoriya had been anticipating.

After 10 minutes of fighting and getting through the base, they made their way outside.
Midoriya quickly opened up the pathway to the secret labyrinth and from there they entered.

Midoriya sighed, "well they sure were loyal to him"
He commented, watching as Hawks wiped off all the blood that had gotten all over himself.

"Too loyal"
Edgeshot groaned, doing the same.

"Makes you wonder what was promised to them"
Present mic added, glancing back at the child who still laid asleep.
"So what are we going to do with her?"

Midoriya shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not sure yet.
I'm not someone who has time to take care of children, nor am I someone capable of such.
And the HKO isn't an orphanage of some sort that'll just take in a random child.

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