Sports Festival

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Present mic shouted.
Midoriya broke out of his thoughts, tensing up and preparing to run.


Midoriya bolted alongside his classmates.

Once they passed the gate they were shown to a huge pathway of many obstacles.

Midoriya launched off the ground, soaring above the crowd and into the air.
Because he was "quirkless", he was allowed to use any gear that could help.

He had sent in specific requests and they were all met.

He had the ability to spring himself off the ground and fly.
The shoes had built in functions that allowed for the high jumps, along with that, they also had the function to allowed Midoriya to fly after the high jumps.

For a safe landing, his outfit allowed him to glide down gracefully.

He knew exactly why he had asked for all the features.
Aside from them being useful for class, when he finally got his plan into action, it would be useful to have all of those features as a villain who knew how to utilize them all perfectly.

"A soaring start! Izuku Midoriya takes a lead!"
Present mic cheered.
The crowd cheered loudly as Midoriya successfully avoided the first obstacle- robots.

Midoriya quickly landed and began to run, following his original plan of scoring 5th place for the first round.

Todoroki and Bakugo trailed behind him as they made it to the second obstacle, the second obstacle being a pit with only a couple platforms.

Midoriya leaped over the entire thing, having more than enough bounce to do so.
He was neck and neck with Bakugo who had been taking it personal.

"Stupid Deku! Die!"
He screamed, attempting to sabotage him.
It was a legal move as it was apart of the race.

Midoriya dodged and allowed todoroki to catch up, he ended up lightly jogging for the rest of the race.
Even through the next obstacle.

Though, his light jog was the average speed of most peoples' full sprint.
He carefully avoided the obstacle bombs implanted in the ground, wary of those who couldn't avoid them.

He sat in solid 5th, allowing the 4 ahead to maintain their spots.
He knew exactly what he was doing.

After getting through the last obstacle, he shot through the finishing line in solid 5th.
Things were going exactly according to plan.

I didn't exhaust myself and I have avoided becoming a potential target for the next round."
He thought to himself as he let out a relaxed sigh.

Bakugo came in first, though with a price.
He had used too much energy.

It wouldn't be a current issue but as time progressed over the rounds, the fatigue would build up.

After 5 more minutes, all 37 remaining people crossed the finishing line.

The round ends!

Here's a chart of everyone's place, take a look at that while the next round is decided!!"
Present mic shouted.

The wheel spun round and round while people figured out what place they had landed in.

"The next round will be Calvary battle!
Let me explain how it'll work!"
Midnight cheered, pausing. She cleared her throat and continued, "the way it works is quite simple.
You will form teams of 3-5 people!
In these teams, you will have a total amount of points based upon how many points your received in the last game.

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