Returning To Normal

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Realistically, considering how she's speaking of blood, she probably was out for a hunt of some sort and didn't return until after I left."
Midoriya thought to himself.

Toga stood up off the bed, "I'm headed out, I still have my room to set up and there's class tomorrow."
She sighed, walking over to the door.

"Make sure no one notices you stepping out of my room."
Kaminari warned.

"Yeah yeah, I'm not dumb"

Toga slowly opened the door, she checked the halls from the small crack.
After confirming no one had been there, she ran out to her room.

They'll be of use to me.
I should place some eyes around the dorm.
But first, I need to confirm whether or not there are cameras within the dorm room or not.

If there's no cameras, then they'll go up tonight. If there are cameras, I'll have to come up with a seperate plan that could get eyes into the dorms."
Midoriya thought to himself.

He prepared for the meeting the detectives and once time came, he left.
It was a normal meeting per usual, he was able to misguide the heroes even further.


Night fell upon them, Midoriya was able to confirm one thing positively.
There were no cameras placed inside the dorms, only outside for proper security.

Other than that, no one would be able to monitor what happened inside.
It was perfect.

"I need to place eyes around the dorm.
I have a pencil in the lighter color of the walls so the eyes won't be noticeable.
I've mapped out areas where the eyes would go best.
Corners are best."

He exited his room, everyone had been asleep.
He knew he couldn't risk getting caught so he already had a plan in place to make sure he himself wasn't suspicious.

"I'll be doing this in the dark, and if I hear or see anyone approaching then I'll either play it off as getting water or hide.
Regardless, no one should be getting up."
He scanned the halls, no one could be seen.
He ran as quiet as a mouse, no one could hear him in the slightest.

He drew eyes in numerous places, places that would give him best vantage points.

It took 10 minutes per eye, he wanted to make sure he'd be able to see at least in some decent quality.

After finishing his floor, he ran downstairs to the kitchen and living room space.

He placed many eyes around the room, they were hardly visible on the light colored walls.
He had basically been drawing with invisible ink.

After drawing all the eyes he needed, he ran back to his room, congratulating himself on a mission success.

He was now able to see the dorm perfectly, better than any security camera could offer.

It was exactly what he needed.


"Alright class.
It's time for a general assessment to see how much you've all grown.
It's a physical assessment and it'll be done at ground beta.

Bare in mind, we do have actual exams in about 2 weeks."
Aizawa said, explaining to them what they'd be doing for the rest of the period.
"Grab your hero outfits.
Present Mic and I will be the ones evaluating you all"

After a quick changing intermission, the class found themselves at ground beta standing before present mic and Aizawa.

"So how's this gonna work?"
Toga asked, looking around a bit confused.
Incidentally, she found herself standing next to Kaminari.
It wasn't her intentions to make anything obvious but she found herself unknowingly gravitating towards her brother.

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