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"Why did you hurt her...?"
Midoriya asked, pain prevalent in his eyes.
He drew a sharp breath in and placed the poison laced dagger closer to all might's face, it hung right next to his eye.

All might struggled to look away, staring at Midoriya and the dagger.
He choked on his words, struggling to form a sentence.

"Tell me."
Midoriya said, pressing the cold dagger to his brow.
All it would take was one slash before he died.

"...I don't know why I did...
During that time...

...I was just a bad person..."
All might replied.

"You're walking around the answer.
Tell. Me. Why."
Midoriya hissed, his words as threatening as a hundred snakes.



All might flinched as he watched Midoriya bring the dagger down.
"Admit it."

"...I just...
Didn't know how to act...?"

"Say the truth."

"...I took advantage of your mother's kindness...!
And I'm sorry...!

I realized as time passed how horrible of a person I was...!

And I know nothing is changing the past.
Please... Forgive me..."
All might pleaded.

"You took advantage of my mother's kindness..."
Midoriya said, his voice full of disappointment yet knowingness.
"...I can't forgive you...
I won't forgive you until the day she wakes up.

But she won't wake up.
And even if she does, the damage she took will render her as good as dead.

You ruined her life.
And my life.

Nothing is changing that...

You may be sorry, and you may want my forgiveness...
But nothing is changing what happened.

Your apology won't wake her up, it won't give me the time I missed with her back...
It won't change what already happened..."
Midoriya hissed, anger burned in his eyes and he raised the poison laced dagger back up again.

"I'm sorry... I really... Truly... sorry...

I know it won't change anything...
I know I messed up...
I know it's too late...

But I hope you find it in you one day to forgive me..."

Midoriya scoffed, shaking his head.
"Since I'm about to kill you the most painful way possible, I'll allow you to ask some questions before I get rid of you.

I know you have them."
He said, able to hear his rapid thoughts shooting into his mind.

"...why did you kill all those people today...?
They had nothing to do with me..."

"They had everything to do with you.
They were heroes.
I wanted to make you feel what I felt the day you hurt my mother."

"...why become Optic...
You can hate me... But what did the rest of society do...??"

"The moment you came into my life, I realized just how evil heroes truly are.

You all need to be purged."

"...since when did you have a quirk...?
Was it given to you...??"

"I've always had a quirk, I was just smart enough as a kid not to tell you.
And if you're wondering if I'm in contact with the villain AFO, I'm not.
Not yet at least."

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