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After the making of plans, Midoriya peacefully went to sleep with the thoughts of how everything was going to work still lingering in his mind.


Exam week dawned upon UA, stress was an understatement of the emotions they were all collectively feeling.

Midoriya on the other hand wasn't stressed in the least.
Aside from being able to cheat easily, he already knew he wouldn't have to. Intelligence came naturally to him.

He was stuck more so thinking about his future preparations, it was all happening so soon that he couldn't help but think about it.

He had even already begun to plan how to pack away his items without being suspicious.
Since he knew he wouldn't be returning to UA after camp, he figured he'd take everything he knew he'd need with him. With a pouch that can fit many things endlessly, it was quite frankly easy.

He sat amongst his classmates, contacts intact, in Aizawa's classroom awaiting instruction.
Their desks had been cleared of everything, they weren't allowed to have their bookbags within glancing distance and so their bags were left in their dormitories.

The exams were very serious.

"You all will have 3 exams this week.
2 written tests, 1 physical test.
Your first 2 written exams will consist of both literacy and hero based questions as well as some math.

Your physical exam will be taken Wednesday.

No cheating is allowed, if you cheat you get an automatic zero, a call home, and a 3 week suspension.
If you understand this, you won't do anything stupid to result in this.

Now that that's been said.
I will be passing out your first exam.
Do not flip it over until I say begin.
You will have 90 minutes to complete it.
There are 65 questions total and 1 writing portion.
Read carefully and follow instruction.

When you are finished the test,you may quietly leave and return to the dormitory"
Aizawa said, passing out the exams to everyone in the class.

After he finished passing them out, he sat at his desk and set a 90 minute timer.
"You may all begin.

Midoriya flipped the test over and began, "light work. Passing will be easier than I thought."
He smiled to himself, zipping through the multiple choice questions.

He finished the whole test in 40 minutes, landing him first to complete it.
He handed it over to Aizawa and gracefully exited the room.

He walked all the way back to the dormitory, entered his room, and locked the door.
He shut the blinds as well and made sure there was no possible way anyone could see him.

After that, he began packing.

"I'll put most of my stuff in the day before we go to camp just in case anyone visits my dorm. I wouldn't want them to note how barren it is.

I'll leave the unimportant things here.

Curtains, bed sheets, pillows.
Those things can be bought again, and I already have a bunch elsewhere.

Clothes are also unnecessary. I'll just pack some before camp so no one finds it odd that I arrived with barely anything to chance into.

I need to focus on packing supplies."
He thought to himself, pulling out his suitcase and stashing his important items into a secret pocket of the suitcase.

After he did some of that, He plotted out some more ways the day of the camp attack could go.
"Kaminari, Toga, and the final mole are to be revealed for this place to shut down.
But what else can I do aside from destroying this place that'll leave the damage irreparable.

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