Run In Kyoto

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"I need to figure out who this stain guy is"
Midoriya thought to himself as he grabbed an outfit and left the house.
The outfit consisted of all black, a hoodie, and mask.

"So far all that's known is that he's killing heroes by the hand full.
His quirk is unknown but based on rumor, people can't move.
He has a decently strong quirk so I should avoid direct hostile confrontation

He has a noticeable killing pattern, it's useful to me I guess.
He's going to strike Kyoto next."

Midoriya walked to the train station and sat down on the benches.
He pulled out a small notebook and a special pencil and got to drawing.
The paper lightly glowed, though it remained unnoticeable.
Midoriya had used a pencil with a built in green flashlight.

It was an odd gimmick but remained unquestionable.
Any onlookers could only assume the glow came from the pencil.

"I don't have enough eyes set up around Kyoto and other locations he's known to strike so I can't spy on him from my house.
So I'll set these up and avoid confrontation like planned."

Midoriya thought to himself as he tore the sheet of paper and added it to a small container full of drawn eyes. He had some eyes prepared beforehand but he figured it wouldn't be enough. After all, he had to cover a lot of Kyoto and other parts that he knew stain would strike. Because he was thin on time, he figured drawing as he went would be the better move.

He had many things to prepare for, he would need as much time as he could get for his other plans.

A train shortly pulled up, Midoriya got on like everyone else and stared out the window as his mind went adrift.

"He might be of use to me if I can get him to join my organization.
But, rumor has it that he's more of a vigilante rather than a villain.
So it doesn't sound like he'll kill just about anyone.

Infact, he might become a personal problem to me.

I'll judge that today, if he's an issue I'll just have him killed.
But if he can be of use then he'll live a little longer."

The train shortly came to a stop at Kyoto.
Midoriya hopped out and took a deep breath in.
He proceeded to shut his left eye and walked around, looking around eye to eye to the minimal eyes he already had set up.

While he did have eyes all around Japan, he didn't have many In some other cities outside of Tokyo.

Putting up the eyes discreetly took time and money, going around all of Japan was easier said than done.

Though it helped that he sold the drawn eyes to big companies/people that gladly hung it up around the cities in perfect view of everything.

"He isn't in any of the public/able to be seen by people spots.
He's likely in alleyways, his murders do typically appear there anyways.

I set up the eyes, avoid him, and go home.

Then I can go train for the festival and decide whether or not I aim to land within the top 3."

Midoriya walked around, sticking the eyes in alleyways.
He stuck them among graffiti, made them look like they were always there and that they were just naturally apart of the environment.

He snuck around the deeper parts of the alleyways, wary of running into stain.
While he knew he'd be able to escape, he also didn't want to risk potentially getting caught.

Things were going well.
Until he heard something.

Midoriya had been deep into an alleyway system, far from any main street or neighborhood.
Mice scurried around trash bags that littered the cold cement floor.
Colorful graffiti covered the red brick walls, Midoriya stuck another eye among the piece and continued his walk.

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