Favorite Spy

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Midoriya stood up from his desk and stretched, it was 10:50pm.

"If I want to meet up with him in time I'll have to leave now.

I wonder what this'll be about, though I already have an idea."
He thought to himself, grabbing his kk villain outfit and dressing in it.

He pulled up his hoodie, secured his gloves and gloves, and grabbed a couple weapons as he usually would.

From there, he exited the house through the underground tunnel system.

After he got far enough, he exited and continued the rest of the travel through the system of alleyways that connected right to it.

It took a while, but eventually he made it to the meet up spot.

The spot was just an alleyway.
Though, the alleyway was far enough from any base that he had nothing to potentially worry about.

It wasn't that he didn't trust his favorite spy, it just that he didn't trust him enough.
He didn't trust anyone as they could all easily betray him at any given moment.

He also didn't want to put his favorite spy in the position of good information if he were to ever get caught.

I'm 6 minutes early"
Midoriya thought to himself, leaning his back against the cold alleyway wall.

It was cool evening, rats scurried along the ground.
Graffiti art littered some of the walls alongside the large garbage bins full of trash that wouldn't ever be taken to a landfill.

The area Midoriya had been in was completely abandoned.

Footsteps approached from the end of the alleyway.
Midoriya turned his head and watched him walk in, the moonlight barley shun on his face illuminating it for him to see.

Midoriya sighed, "I was worried you were going to be late."
He spoke, his voice automatically altering with the help of the mask he had been wearing.

"Well, I'm not. I have important info"
He said, walking in closer and leaning back on the wall parallel to Midoriya.


What could it possibly be that I don't already know of, Hawks."
Midoriya said with a bit of satisfactory glee in his voice.

He stretched out his big red wings and tucked them in, "the issue is this kid"
Hawks said, pulling out a printed photo of Midoriya.
It was the photo he had taken with him earlier in the day.

Midoriya hid a reaction, skillfully per usual, "that's the news kid they recruited for the investigation on the organization?"
He asked.


"And how exactly is he an issue?"

"...he's smart...

He came up with plans today that could lead to him figuring us out.
He figured out a case that took some detectives over a month in 3 hours...

Don't you realize how bad this is for the organization?"
Hawks asked, a bit of panic present in his voice.

"Plans are easy to counter, for me at least.
I already figured out what his plans are and have the counters prepared.

He isn't someone to worry about, though I do request you keep an eye on him.
Anything else?"
Midoriya asked, surprised he had given Hawks a bit of a spook with his detective self.

"Ah, well this is something I've been meaning to discuss for a while now"
Hawks paused, shifting his position as he handed Midoriya the photo of himself.
"They're trying to get me to infiltrate the HKO to get them direct information."

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