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"Present mic"
He said, stepping into the camera frame for all to see.
He wore a twisted, satisfactory, grin as he pulled out some paper and patted it against the table.

"Let us begin, tonight we're gonna discuss everything UA has kept a secret from you all.

Let's start all the way back to when I was a young lad who went there.

This case is called, the death of a cloud.

Oboro Shirakumo.

He was the top of class 1-A and my dearest friend.

You could call him a ray of sunshine despite his quirk being cloud formation.

Everyone knew him, he was on track to becoming the world's best hero.

And I watched from the side lines, supporting his dreams.

But one fated day...

A horrible accident struck.

He was training during gym time, me and shouta Aizawa (who you all know commonly as eraserhead) were training alongside him.

Things were going fine.

Until they weren't.

As you all may know, UA has large ceiling lights.
But I guess they weren't very secure that day...

It fell.

And before any of us could react or even move him out of the way, it crushed him.

All he heard was a pained scream before the loudest silence I ever experienced.

Blood poured from beneath the crushed light and...

That was the end of Oboro Shirakumo...

But I bet none of you have ever heard of this story...

Wanna know why?

Well, to put it in short, UA paid for everyone's silence.

Everyone who fell witness to the situation was given 1.3 million yen (10k USD) to not speak a word of it.

And no one did.

His funeral was carried out silently and a new replacement came out shortly.

Anyone who remembered him and cared to ask about him was told that he moved abroad and could no longer attend...

Oh, and his family?

Let's just say they were given more money than we can imagine.

Just to protect their precious reputation after a failed safety regulation.

But I remember that day well.

It was the very day I decided that heroes are all fake.
If a hero school went as far as to cover up an accidental death with so much money and silence, what else could they be hiding?
What else could they be lying about to cover for other heroes?

How many other heroes accidentally killed someone in the process of taking down a villain and paid for everyone's silence?

So I did some digging around and discovered that there hasn't been a single hero within the top 100 that hasn't accidentally killed someone in the process and actually owned up to their mistake and asked for forgiveness.

They all paid for people's silence...
And those that couldn't pay begged the hero commission to help keep the information disclosed.

Even all might had killed innocent people before.
Your formerly prized #1 hero was responsible for over 300 innocent deaths in hero work freak accidents.

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