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"Not knowing what kind of people they really are."
Midoriya thought to himself, switching eye perspectives.
He looked upon the alleyways of Kyoto, after switching around enough, he found stain.

"Why is everyone assuming I'm apart of that organization?!"
He screamed at the dying hero, Midoriya couldn't hear him but he could easily tell what he had been saying.
It was evident.

Stain grew mad as he killed off another hero.
He pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket and wrote, using the dead hero's blood, "I am not apart of the hero killer organization!"
He left the note on the hero's forehead and left at once.

"He leaves himself open to enough attacks when he's mad.
That's good to note."

Midoriya yawned, he could feel exhaustion of the day seep in to his body as he laid there on his cozy bed motionless.

He blinked his eyes open and found himself staring at his ceiling.
He was too tired, if he used his quirk any further he'd strain himself.

"I need sleep.

Then I'll visit mom tomorrow afternoon."

He blinked a solemn tear away as he sent himself off to sleep.


School of the next day passed by fast, though to Midoriya, it felt like forever.
He had been itching to see his mother, to the point where school felt like 1 second was 1 minute.

Though it eventually came to an end.

When it ended, Midoriya quickly made his way home.
He took the art piece and left it rested on his coffee table.
When time for pick up officially rolled around, the middleman knocked on the door.

Midoriya quickly jumped to his feet and grabbed the drawing.
He opened the door and handed it over.

"And here's your check."
He handed Midoriya a check and left at once.
Midoriya walked back inside, taking off the disguise he had.

No one could know of his actual identity.
He made sure that neither the art world nor the underworld knew of who he really was.

He then grabbed his shoes and made his way to the hospital to visit his mom.

"How's her condition?"
Midoriya asked, again.
It wasn't the first time he asked, he always asked whenever he visited.
Even if he knew the answer would always remain the same, he just had a sliver of hope that it would change for the better.

Nothing's changed...
I'm sorry, it's not the news you want to hear..."
The nurse apologized as she made her way over to the door to give izuku privacy with his mother.

Izuku let out a small exhale, one of disappointment but not surprise.


"The explosives were imported successfully.
We've moved them to location sect 2F.
They'll be placed in their required locations by Tuesday night."

Midoriya read over the text, the week had already passed and a new Monday had come along.
It was almost festival day.

With the festival being just that Wednesday, many people were chattering with excitement.
It was all anyone talked about.

Though, none of them knew what awaited them on that day...

Midoriya switched perspectives and looked at the stadium that was to be used for the festival, he found the moles carefully checking off specific locations for when nightfall was to come.

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