Growing Tension

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Midoriya let out a sigh and pulled out the contract nezu gave him.
He read over all of it, all of the terms and conditions, everything he would be expected to do, and any general details he had to know.

I'll be paid.

Hm, I'm not allowed to discuss any of the cases.
That makes sense.

And I'll have to work starting after school until 6-7pm for 2 years.

I can request days off and ask not to work on certain cases.

Not too bad, though within these next 2 years my plans will be kicked into action.
Heroes and police won't exist when my plan goes well.
Overall, this contract doesn't seem all too bad.

I'll be losing a decent amount of free time but it'll be fine when I get to make sure all my plans work the way I want them to"
He thought to himself, filling it out and signing his name.
He didn't miss any terms or conditions and he made sure he was okay with everything before putting it away to be taken to nezu the next day.

From there, he grabbed his burner phone and sent out an important message.
"Monoma has to be delt with before the festival."
He sent out the command to the lower ranks, explaining what they had to do, why they had to do it, and how they had to do it.

No questions were asked, all the reasons were plausible and they didn't dare question him.

Monoma's been delt with.

Instead of having him go missing then killed, I'll have him die in an accident.

Ran over by a train, or a car.

A sad accident that he accidentally got involved in that killed him.

A horrific incident that has nothing to do with me.
It'll be no one's fault either, just his own for being 'careless'.

Pretty plausible
Pretty simple
Pretty good.

Works perfectly"
Midoriya grinned, happy to have come up with the perfect plan.

The way the plan would be executed was simple as well.
Because he had a whole organization af his hands, he had people with mind manipulation quirks working for him.

All it took was Monoma to fall under the influence of the quirk by a train track.

Or by a busy road...


Midoriya stood before Nezu's office, holding the contract paper.
He had already gone over all the possibilities and what he'd do for each and every circumstance that was possible to occur.

"Today Monoma is also supposed to die.
I hope the lower ranks do well, I've given them the opportunity to upgrade to middle rank if they get the job done with no questions asked.

If killing him and making it look like an accident isn't possible, kidnapping him and killing him is still something we can do."
Midoriya sighed and knocked on the door.
"Enough about Monoma, I need to focus on this contract for now."

"Come in!"
A voice cheered from inside.

Midoriya walked in, holding the contract paper in hand.
"Good morning, principal nezu"
He said, approaching the desk.

"Good morning Midoriya, how are you?"

"I'm doing great, how about you?"
Midoriya replied, wearing a bright smile.

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