All Might

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"One for all"
Midoriya said, turning around to completely face him.
He wore the most smug grin a human face could muster, like he had the upper hand.

Which he did.

All might's face paled as he stared at Midoriya in complete shock.
He felt his stomach drop as his mouth ran dry.
How did-"

"How did I find out."
Midoriya said, asking the question before he could utter it out.
He paused and laughed, "I know things about you that you wish I didn't.
You think no one knows about your secrets?

I do.
You're at my mercy for not having it leaked out already.

So I'll tell you now.

If you try to get involved in my life again, meaning if you try to ruin things for me how they are right now, not only will I expose the things you've done in the past.
But I'll make sure all of Japan- no.
The whole world.

Knows about your power and how it's passed down person to person, constantly accumulating power.

And for extra safety on your side, divorce my mother.
Don't make me ask again.
Unless that is- you want one of your secrets leaked."
Midoriya said, side eyeing him as he turned around and walked over to the door.

He left all might completely silenced as he opened the door and walked out.

"How did he find out...???
Did I talk about it???
I mean only with Mirio but...! He wasn't there!?
I'm pretty sure he wasn't??
Was it a random guess based off a play on words I may have said in the past before??

He knows it's my quirk and it's accumulative...

....I knew he was smart... Really smart...


This is beyond me.

Just how did he figure it out....?

I can't even do anything about it either.
If he knows about one for all, my best kept secret...
Then he probably knows about all my other secrets that I've tried to keep.

So if I even make the mistake of hurting him or ruining things for him even more than I already have...

Then my life is over.

My reputation as all might would no longer be one of pride.
If would be one of shame... Dishonor.

I wouldn't even be safe as toshinori Yagi either.
People would find and try to kill me...

I would have nowhere to go...

I'd basically be killed.

And he knows that.

...I'm beyond lucky that he isn't evil...
If he decided to become a villain my life would be over as I know it.

Just how does he figure these things out... He's quirkless.
...just insanely smart...

Even at a young age he demonstrated terrifying intelligence and maturity.

...if only I wasn't on his bad side.

But it's fine.

He's someone aiming to help society as a hero, that's what matters."


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