Not so Shocking Information

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"So I can find them first."
He sent out the messages to his information broker and could his burner phone away with his notebook.

After, he ended the night and went to sleep.


Midoriya sat in class, only half listening to what Aizawa had been teaching.
He wasn't worried about missing information, there wasn't anything he could miss anyway.

He sat with his head down, looking through the eyes he had everywhere.

"There's quite a large group gathering around the entrance door.
I had to deal with them this morning...
Annoying paparazzi.

Just cause of all might. Him of all people.

He always causes problems. This is why he should just die.

Seeing as how the paparazzi are only getting louder and louder and don't seem to be leaving, I'll have to leave through the back gate.
Unless they have that spot covered as well.

I should put an eye back there, I can't see a thing.

There aren't any eyes near it either.

Note to self, put more eyes around the school.
I already have some sold artwork in here but they're not in useful positions.
There's 1 in the conference room.
1 in this classroom by the clock.
And 1 in the cafeteria.

I never did any commissions for UA so I guess the principal bought them off of my customers.

...which means they're reselling my stuff.

But they paid a pretty buck so whatever.

It wasn't like I wasn't expecting them to resell the work.
That's due to happen anyways.

My information broker said he'd be able to get me info on what I asked by tonight.
So I'll camp out in a possible location of where that purple guy might come.

I'll wait there and search for the people of the league."
Midoriya thought to himself as he zoned further out.

However he was recalled to attention when Aizawa called his name, not appreciating the fact Midoriya wasn't listening.

Aizawa said, sternly as he looked at him.

Midoriya lifted his head up, his emerald eyes met with Aizawa's grey eyes.
"Yes sensei?"
He asked.

"Please explain to me what you're supposed to do in a situation where there are injured people trapped under rubble or fallen debris."
Aizawa instructed.

Midoriya let out a small smile, "well first you'd want to assess the situation.
Then if there's anyone actually conscience you should try to calm them down so that not only do you ease their stress, but you make it easier to bring them to safety.

After those 2 important steps, you help them as quickly and safely as possible.
The process must be quick because it is unknown whether or not anything will collapse."
He explained, calmly.

Aizawa Sighed, "you're right.
But please pay attention in my class."

"Apologies, sensei."
Midoriya replied, smugly as he leaned back comfortably in his seat.

The rest of the period progressed and eventually came to an end.
It was time for lunch.

Midoriya sat in the library, having already eaten his lunch.
He buried his face in a book and watched what was going on outside.

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