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"Where's Midoriya...?"
Kirishima asked, staring at the empty seat.

"Yeah and where's Bakugo..."
Kaminari added, pointing to the two empty seats.

It had been 3rd period and the two had not appeared, so it wasn't like they had just been running late.

Aizawa glanced at the seats and sighed, "what happened Wednesday is more than enough of a reason not to come to school...
He was cut off when Bakugo walked in.

"...good morning, Bakugo.
You're a bit late but it's ok..."
Aizawa said, excusingly.

"Tch, my bad. I was at a funeral."
Bakugo grumbled, walking over to his seat in an evident soured mood.

"If you had sent me an email in advanced I would've exempt you from school today.
I am sorry for your loss"
Aizawa said, turning off the board.

Bakugo shook his head, "it's not my loss." He paused, not knowing whether it was his place to speak or not. "My mom just made me come along. It's not something I'd have to miss school for."

"Well then...

Welcome to class.

We haven't done too much, we discussed the Incident of the festival and discussed details.
It's a Friday so I won't be assigning work either.
Take a seat and catch up on any work from the past couple weeks that you may have missed."
Aizawa replied, sitting down at his desk.

Bakugo nodded his head and vacantly sat there, he didn't have any missing assignments so there wasn't anything for him to actually do.
He sighed, "should I have brought up why Deku is absent?

...well it's not my place to say his mother died...
Not that I really care about him."


Midoriya sat at his desk, drawing eyes upon eyes.
The only way to get rid of the feeling in his chest was to drown himself in work.

The drawings, freshly drawn, still had their light green glow as he moved them to the side and grabbed another sheet of paper to draw an eye on.
He drew intricate designs of eyes, some realistic, others of animals, and some of eyes that don't even exist.

They'd all come to use.
He wouldn't ever drown himself in work pointlessly, all the eyes would serve a great purpose.


"Monday I start the internship with the detectives, I also have to go to school and make sure I act as sad as everyone else.

...why am I so sad over mom's death...
I mean I knew it was coming...
I knew that even if she ever woke up, she wouldn't ever be the same.
She wouldn't even know who I am.
And realistically speaking, she probably wouldn't even live a happy life.

She'd just be in a vegetable state, unable to even think.
Just there...

Why did I have so much hope for a hopeless situation?
It was the most illogical thing I could've done...

Holding out a sliver of hope just to have it expectedly crushed...
My hope should've been thrown away by the first year.

Though, I guess it's difficult for a 6 year old as smart as I was, to have given up on hope.
I was a child that still held onto emotion over logic and reasoning.

...maybe I haven't changed at all...

Seeing as how I'm grieving over an expectation...

Emotions like these will only set me back.
And this feeling in my chest isn't nice.
It needs to leave.
And never come back.

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