The Finishing Touches

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"You are aware I can hear your thoughts,
Midoriya laughed, watching the color drain out Tsukauchi's already pale face.
The gun in his hand was only moments away from shooting.

Tsukauchi choked, feeling as if someone had pulled the rug from beneath him.
"Is that how... -
How you've always been one step ahead...??"
He said, distraught.

Midoriya replied, lightning illuminating his face.
Tsukauchi saw his eyes, one of them had looked exactly like his.
As if he was staring at himself...
And just below those eyes was another set of eyes, staring at him with pure malice.
He could feel Midoriya's mocking gesture as the second pair of eyes disappeared, returning back to the palms of his hands.

I'll change..!
I'll truly work for you, I won't betray you!"
He begged.

"Nice try.
But you already know too much to be kept alive.

Good bye Tsukauchi, thanks for making this entertaining"
Midoriya laughed.

His plea was cut short, Midoriya shot the bullet.

Tsukauchi fell back onto the ground, dead.
It was quick and short lived, he died before his head could even slam back onto the ground.

Midoriya put the gun away and walked over to Tsukauchi's phone.
"I'll have to delete the email and destroy this phone"
He thought to himself as he deleted the email and pulled out his Lazer gun.

He destroyed the phone instantly and quickly escaped the scene.

"And now the road to success holds no obstacles"


Midoriya returned to his base, and upon returning he found a terrified Eri.

"What's wrong?"
He asked, still in his villain outfit.
It was still clean and because of the technology he wasn't soaking wet at all.

The only issue was, all his favorite weapons were on him.

"Where w-were you?"
She asked between hiccups and sniffles, sitting on the new chair Midoriya had installed for her.

Midoriya quickly put his weapons away and walked over to Eri, "I just had to complete an errand, what's wrong?"
He asked again, kneeling beside her.

"nightmare... "
She replied, tears streaming down her face.

Midoriya let out a relieved sigh, "would you like to talk about it?"
He asked, standing back up again.

Eri nodded her head, "ok..."
She stood up and followed him back to her room.

She crawled into her bed and sat herself up.
"...I saw that man again..."
She began.

"that man meaning Chisaki?"

She nodded her head, "...I had a nightmare where he came back and took me...
He was really mad that I left... He kept saying how he was going to make sure I would never be h-happy..."
She said, hot tears streaming down her face.

Midoriya bit his tongue, avoiding changing his facial expression as anger ran through him.
"That bastard, I let him off easy.
I should have tortured him like how I tortured Bakugo and Todoroki before letting him die."
He thought to himself.
"It's okay Eri, I can assure you that he won't be able to get to you no matter what.
He's dead, I made sure he was. What you're dealing with right now is fear. It's normal and it's going to be there as you recover from the trauma you've been through. But gradually, as time passes, you'll learn to overcome it all."
Midoriya said, reassuring her.

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