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"Will be easier than I thought it would."
Midoriya grinned as he stood up and stretched.
"It makes sense that kaminari is the apart of the league.
His personality felt off whenever we talked anyways, like he's hiding behind a mask.

To others it doesn't seem like it's a mask, but because I constantly have to hide behind a mask myself and lie all the time I can tell when someone else is trying to do it.
Especially when they're not doing it too well.

I originally thought he was that way because he wanted popularity but this makes sense too.


I need to find out where Kaminari lives and I'll confront him in my disguise.

I'm known among villains as the man with eyes on the palms of his hand, no real name yet since I didn't bother to come up with one.
So it won't take much effort to convince him.
And if he won't give me the location I'll just force it out of him.

I won't reveal it's me, I haven't revealed to anyone who I am as a villain and I don't plan to.
Villains are villains.
Cunning and will use any information they have for blackmail.

If it's revealed that I, izuku Midoriya, am the leader of all those gangs and mafias they'll have that blackmail to use to against me when it comes to my public reputation.
They could jeopardize my whole plan.

I'll need a code name one day.
But not today.
I'll come up with that Another time, I have no ideas."
He thought to himself as he walked over to his closet and pulled out his villain outfit.
It was his usual disguise.
He also pulled out his notebook and his burner phone.

"Current identified league members.

(Unknown first name)- Shigaraki
Quirk- decay
(Unknown first name)-Kurogiri
Quirk- warp gate
Denki kaminari
Quirk- electricity"
He wrote down new information in his notebook.
He did that with all the evil organizations he took over, getting information was the best way to take over.

No one would mess around with someone who knew things they didn't even know about themselves.

He put the notebook away and grabbed the burner phone.
"Information hasn't come in yet.
But it's fine.
I know enough now.

Should I interrogate kaminari tonight?
The sooner I find the base the better.
I guess I could.
I can figure out where he lives based on where he goes once the leaves the base.

There's a decent chance I'll have to fight him.
I don't want to fall victim to his electricity so I should probably grab a quirk canceller.
I can slip it onto him, then attack and tie him up.

So I'll need supplies.

And it'll be best if I attacked while he was asleep.
For convenience.

I hope he lives alone."
Midoriya thought to himself as he laid out his outfit on his couch and walked downstairs to his basement.

He shut the door and flicked on the lights.
The room was full of just random storage items, nothing that screamed suspicious.

He walked over to a storage shelf and pulled a book.
From there, the shelf slid over and revealed a hidden room.

He walked in, it shut behind him.
Midoriya walked down some more stairs and found his special room.

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