Plan 365-380

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...(TW. Violence and torture ⚠️‼️)

"Because after this, Japan is under my total control."
Midoriya smiled, a smile that the trio had only seen a couple times before. It meant nothing good for Japan.

Hawks grinned, "hell yeah, let's get this started"
He clapped his hands together and followed Midoriya out the secret exit.
Present mic went to the studio where he would expose the commission.

It took a while to walk through the secret labyrinth, many twists and turns, as well as secret doors to be opened, but after a good 45 minutes, they arrived at the commission base.

They exited out of the labyrinth and found themselves standing behind the large building by a manhole.

The backdoor was wide open, and the cameras were all broken.

Midoriya grinned, "nice"
He pulled out his phone, "start the broadcast"
He texted to present mic.

The moment the broadcast started, the moment all radios would be intercepted.
There would be no possible communication throughout all of Japan, Midoriya made sure of it.
He didn't want anyone interfering with him and the commission.

Additionally, the moment the broadcast started, there was a set group of middle rank members that would ravage the streets alongside the league of villains.
With everyone preoccupied, no one could stop him.

Shortly after the text message, the broadcast could be heard all around.

Midoriya entered the building, Hawks and Edgeshot by his side.
The floor was empty, no one to be found at all.
Midoriya knew why, the moles he had planted had sent people to a 2 week vacation a couple days prior to his attack.

The higher ups wouldn't realize it until it was far too late, and no one in the office had realized their fellow coworkers were also given a 2 week vacation.

Midoriya held his gun close as he stealthily walked up the stairs.
No one had been aware of his intrusion, because of how large the building was, it was easy to set up all the things he had wanted to.

He made it to the top floor, Cameras were all still disabled, and with everyone in office freaking out about the information leak being broadcasted, no one noticed his arrival.

Midoriya grinned, "begin the slaughter.
Leave no one alive after this"
He said, sending Hawks and Edgeshot on their way to kill everyone.

Seconds later, screams of terror could be heard as Hawks and Edgeshot quickly got to business.

Midoriya made his way to the main president's office, he could see the absolute terror she was in through the eyes he had set up.

His eyes shifted position and reappeared on his face as he kicked down the door and found her trying to escape through an emergency slide.

"It's you...!"
She screamed, glaring at him as she quickly shoved half of her body in.

"I wouldn't slide down that slide if I were you"
Midoriya sneered, aiming the gun at her head.

"Why would I listen to you..??"
She hissed, holding a file close to her chest with one arm and preparing to slide with the other.

"I rigged the slide.
The moment you slide down, you'll be met with spikes that I have lining the whole way down.
They're all laced in pain inducing poison.
After that, there's a grater section that'll grate your skin like cheese.
Then you'll find knives all around, slicing and dicing you as you continue on.
And lastly there's also a pool of boiling water waiting for you at the end of the slide.
You'll become soup."
Midoriya smiled, speaking with utmost confidence.

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