The Anticipated Meet

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...(TW ⚠️‼️)

"I don't know what I'll do"
Aizawa thought to himself, sitting up.
He felt the blood rush to his head as he properly stood up.

He grabbed his phone, "I don't think this'll work but it's worth a shot"
He scrolled to present mic's contact and sent out a message.

"I would like to meet up with you.
This isn't a trap to arrest you.
I just have a question that I need answered...
After that I won't bother you. "
He said through text, sending the message and staring at it.

After a couple minutes, he surprisingly got a response.

Where exactly?"

"You pick so that you aren't suspicious of me"

"Back alleyway of the cafe we used to go to.
Be there in an hour"

"See you then"

Aizawa put his phone down and let out a heavy sigh, he wasn't looking forward to the meet...

Many things weighed on his mind as he put on a pair of shoes and made his way out of his house.
He didn't bother to change out of his shirt and sweatpants.

It was a long walk to the cafe, at least it felt like one.
Each one of his steps felt as if they weighed 20 pounds, he was struggling to  get himself to walk with a purpose.

After getting through the walk, he went to the back alleyway and sat there with his back leaned up against a wall.
He was 5 minutes early and he knew Present mic wasn't one to show up before time.

"Do I really want to see him...?
...I just want to ask this question...

But what do I do after...?

What do I do if I get the answer I don't want to hear...?
...what do I want to hear...?

Is this even worth it?"
His thoughts were cut short when he found Present mic standing before him on the opposing wall.

Aizawa stood up straight and met present mic eye to eye.
Present mic wasn't wearing a happy expression like he usually would, but neither was Aizawa.

What do you want?"
Present mic asked, not a hint of sympathy in his surprisingly cold voice.

Aizawa cleared his throat and found himself at a loss for words.
He knew what he wanted to ask, he just didn't have the heart to.
He stood there, no words escaping his mouth which sat cracked open.

Present mic shook his head in annoyance, "tch, a waste of time.
I'm out.
Let's never meet after this"
He said, sticking his hands in his pocket and aiming to walk away.

"...For how long..-"
Aizawa cracked out.

Present mic paused in his steps and turned around to face Aizawa who could no longer meet him eye to eye.

"For how long- what?"
Present mic asked.

"For how long were you pretending...
For just how long were you lying to me and all those people?

Was our Friendship fake for all these years?
Were you secretly plotting behind my back and aiming for all of this...?"
He asked, everything pouring out all at once.
He lifted up his head and met him eye to eye once more, but his eyes were stinging more than he'd like to admit.

Present mic clicked his tongue, "I'm sure I answered those questions during that live.

But I'll answer it again.

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