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"A cat?"
Midoriya thought to himself, a bit thrown off.

The cat had been standing on top of some garbage bins and staring right into the eye.
However as soon as Midoriya appeared, she turned around and jumped to his side.

"She has a collar."
He kneeled down and read the tag on the collar.
Dimension traveler.

...dimension traveler...?
This cat isn't my problem anyways and the owner will find her soon"
He shook his head and continued down the alleyway.

He was being followed.

The cat stayed by his side, following him without getting in the way of his movement.

"Don't you have an owner?"
Midoriya asked, continuing to walk without question.

The cat stared back in response, Midoriya could practically hear it say "you".
As if she was implying he was the owner.

"I don't even have cat supplies.
No food, litter, and whatever else I'd need"
Midoriya mumbled, staring at it.
The cat still continued to follow by his side.

"...what do I do...?
The cat won't stop following me.
Ill just lose it by running.

If it can keep up, I'll adopt it."
Midoriya stretched and immediately bolted away.

He made multiple turns down many alleyways, going down the trickiest route he knew.
After 3 minutes of running, he came to a stop and let out a breath.
"Looks like I lost it-"
He was cut off when he looked down and felt something rub up against his leg.
It was the cat.

"...looks like I'm adopting the cat then..."
Midoriya could only stare in surprise, "well...
Seeing as how you're able to keep up, you should be able to walk with me to the convenience store."
He said, walking out of the alleyway.
The cat happily followed by his side and into the store.

Midoriya walked around the store and got what he knew he'd need.
Cat food, litter, toys, grooming supplies, and even a mini bed.

"I wasn't planning to adopt a cat.

He walked out of the store pushing a cart of items.
Because he couldn't carry all of the items, he bought a cart while he was at it.

He had more than enough money to do so.

The cat sat in the cart, happy to be pushed by him on the way home.
Though as he was walking, he felt a malicious gaze on his back.

I'm being watched.

Its probably because I'm walking through an alleyway with a full cart of things.
Let's see what I'm dealing with"
He continued to walk, flipping through eyes to see who was watching him.

The alleyway was a long path with many ways to enter, the buildings that made up the alleyway also provided a way to hide.

Midoriya stared looking around, there was someone peering past a corner.
They had everything covered but their eyes and mouth.
They were also noticeably holding a knife.
It wasn't just any ordinary kitchen knife, it was one specifically used for murder.

Midoriya sighed,"judging by their stance, they're going to charge any second now.
That knife looks to have a 7 inch blade and a 5 inch handle.

I can't afford to be grazed by it, it'll leave evidence behind.
Should I kill them or knock them out?

A knock out would be better.
Oh there they come"
Midoriya thought to himself as the bandit charged at him.
They held the knife out like a sword, charging full force.
There was no hesitation, they were aiming to kill.

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