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...(TW, ⚠️ graphic violence and torture.
Seriously this whole chapter is just a massive Trigger for those sensitive ⚠️‼️)

"Because at the end of this, heroes will cease to exist one way or another. "
Midoriya said, ending off his message to Japan and placing the head on Todoroki's lap.

Hot tears streamed down Todoroki's face, he couldn't believe the reality he was facing...

The blood of endeavor's head soaked Todoroki's lap, Midoriya laughed as he ripped off the tape that prevented Todoroki and Bakugo from speaking.

They both let out gasps for air before screaming at Midoriya.

"Y-you Bastard!
How could you have killed him!?"
Todoroki screamed, unable to rip his eyes off his father's head.

"You're the one who killed all might you!-"
Bakugo was cut off when Midoriya pulled out his dagger and stabbed it straight through his arm that was strapped down to the metal chair.

It broke his bone and tore through layers of skin and muscle.

Bakugo let out a painful scream as he thrashed around in pain.

"Now then.
Fair well, Bakugo and Todoroki.

I hope you all said some good-byes since this'll be your last moment here on earth"
Midoriya said, walking out of the room and leaving Bakugo in pain.

Everyone who saw what happened winced and grimaced in pain for the boy as they all watched from their current locations.
The only person in comfort was Midoriya as everyone else watched is pure discomfort.

Upon exiting the room, Shigaraki walked in.
"The job is yours now.
Have fun"
Midoriya said,Too happy for anyone's good.

He was just only getting started... _________________________________________

Everyone watched as Todoroki and Bakugo were gruesomely killed on TV.
They watched as they begged for help, begged for relief, begged for mercy, and begged for death to take them away...

It wasn't a pretty sight as Shigaraki had picked a slow and painful death for the both of them...

Bakugo had his left eye plucked out. It dangled on his mutilated face that had been sliced and diced up with a scalpel which has been laced with poison.
The blood that poured out of his openings on his face was black and purple as well as disgustingly viscous.
It moved like thick winter honey.

On top of that, Bakugo's arms were inverted twice.
His muscles were ripped out and left exposed.
Skin hung off his arms like curtains, barely holding on to whatever it was attached to.
Blood was dripping everywhere.

To make Bakugo shut up, his tongue was cut off.
It didn't stop the screams that escaped his vocal cords so a rope was tied tightly around his face...
...So tight that it ripped open skin and threatened to break open his jaw...

And to top it all off...

He had acid poured on all his cuts and new openings before having a lethal poison injected into his system.
However, that lethal poison would take an hour to work. And during the wait, Bakugo would experience all the pain his body was in by 5x more pain than it should've been because of the poison.

The poison caused organ failure of all degrees, leaving the heart and brain for last before having destroyed everything.

Todoroki had to experience watching Bakugo get tortured before experiencing his own.
He had to deal with both psychological and physical torture.

Todoroki was put through the same exact hell Bakugo had been put through,no detail was left out...

Midoriya watched it all from his office,seated with Hawks, Edgeshot, and present mic who preferred not to watch it.

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