The Fated Incident of Friday

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"It's up to Hawks and the other mole whether or not he continues to live another day or not."
Midoriya thought to himself, his eyes opening up as he hand slid down from his face.

He sighed, "time to return to the agency"
Midoriya flew off, back to the agency.


Hawks entered his agency, the news was playing in the background.
Midoriya sat by the couches, watching the report about Stain.

He had been anticipating it.

"I'm here and all healed up!"
Hawks cheered, walking over to the couches to also listen in on the news.

"They sealed up the wounds?"
Midoriya asked, slightly raising a brow.

"Well they stitched it up.
And thanks to you I had almost no risk of infection and the doctors had an easier time doing their job.
Great work!"
Hawks smiled, showing off the stitching on his arm.

"That's good, will your ability be hindered at all?"
Midoriya inquired, noticing Hawks's moves had stiffened a bit.

It's just a little sore right now but I'll be as good as new after some nice sleep.
Now what's the news talking about?"
Hawks asked, falling silent. He listened in, it was about stain.

"Pro hero native found brutality murdered.
The culprit?
Hero Killer stain.

Earlier this noon, the villain struck the hero in an isolated alleyway in Kyoto.

By the time the pro hero was found it was too late.

But this wasn't the only thing that happened in Kyoto today...

Pro hero Hawks was shot twice during an armed robbery.
After quickly subdoing the criminals, his interny Izuku Midoriya helped with the bullet wounds.

Izuku Midoriya is a UA student who won first place in the sports festival. He's known for his vast intelligence and near perfect planning skills."
The news reporter continued to ramble on about what happened, showing pictures of Midoriya treating Hawks and talking with the police officers.

Hawks glanced at Midoriya, noticing his hands still had gloves on.
Curious, he asked a question.
"Do you ever take those gloves off?"
He asked.

Midoriya glanced back at Hawks, looking down at his gloved hands before sighing.
"I do.
I keep them on most of the time for comfort.
But I can't wear these when I shower or eat."
He replied.

"Makes sense"
Hawks said, not taking much note of it.

Midoriya nodded his head, "yep.
Now, do we have anything to eat..?"
He asked, his stomach rumbling in the background.

"Of course of course, you don't even have to ask!
Just go through the fridge and pick something to eat"
Hawks chuckled slightly, careful of chuckling a little too hard.

"I didn't want to be impolite"
Midoriya stated, standing up and walking over to the fridge.

"You'll be living here for the week, you can treat this as your second home"
Hawks said warmly, throwing his legs up onto the couch and lying down.


The internship week continued as it would.
Hawks would work out with Midoriya and then take him out for patrol everyday.
After patrol, they'd touch base with Tsukauchi to see any progress on the optic case.

It remained that way.

Until Friday...

Many things changed upon that fated day.

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