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"Lure them."
Midoriya said, wearing an ever so innocent smile.

Kaminari stared at him as if he were a madman, "me?! Lure them!?"
He screamed, frantic at the thought of it.

"There isn't anything you have to worry about.
Just stand here and gain their attention.
They all have physical mutation quirks so they can't do anything from the distance.

Once they start running, they'll be captured in a net.
The net is conductable so shoot some electricity through so you knock them out.

That way, we can make a clean escape without having to worry about them escaping and chasing us behind"
Midoriya explained.

"...don't make it sound easy...! It's not that easy!
You know how hard it'll be...! And how reliable is this trap?"

"Very reliable.
It can capture all might."
Midoriya said, confident in his abilities.

"...I think you lost it, Midoriya..."

"I did the hardest part. Just lure them.
But don't make it obvious you're luring them over or it defeats the whole purpose.
Pretend you're telling at me or something."

Kaminari sighed, "whatever. If this backfires I'll just have him killed and I'll escape."
He thought to himself as he ran over.

Midoriya jumped up and climbed up into a tree.
He put a thumbs up, signalling it was okay to act.

kaminari screamed, following along what Midoriya had said to him.
He screamed as loud as he could, gaining the attention of the onlooking thugs.
Especially with how the smoke bomb had cleared up.

Kaminari screamed once more.

"Over there!"

"They're there!"

"Get them!"

Kaminari froze up as he watched the storm of thugs stampede over.
But before they could even reach 10 feet within range, they were all captured into the trap.

Suspended within the air, hanging on tightly by strong trees, all the thugs that had been there were captured.
Midoriya's plan worked effortlessly.

Conduct your electricity through this!"
Midoriya threw over a rope, it was evidently connected to the big net.

"You did it!"
Kaminari smiled, relieved.
He conducted the electricity, sending as much as he could without frying his brain.
"Looks like I won't have to kill him. Well that's a bit of a relief too."
The thugs all passed out.

"And now we run!"
Midoriya said, jumping down from the tree and running straight for the water he could see from above.

"Where to??"
Kaminari yelled, running alongside him.

"When I was in the tree, I saw a pool of water.
I think it connects to the water rescue portion of the USJ which is better to see through compared to this forest portion.
We'll be able to get out safely from there"
Midoriya replied as they got closer.

"Well that's a relief!"
Kaminari smiled brightly.

After a quick run, they made it over.
They could see the rest of the USJ from the point they were at.
"This way"
Midoriya said, pointing to a clear path that lead to the main land.

They sprinted down the path and found themselves staring at Aizawa battling all the thugs single handedly.
Shigaraki watched intently, standing by the Nomu by his side.

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