practical foresight.

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Midoriya was quickly handed the real gun and a fake one as yaoyorozu quickly handed out the fakes she made.
Midoriya hid the real gun within his outfit, making it practically unknown where it was.
He then grabbed the fake and placed it in a more noticeable spot.

He ran out with his team, it was time for the plan to be put into action.

"Midoriya, who do you think should help??"
Kaminari yelled out.

"You and ashido!"
Midoriya yelled back.

The duo said in unison.

"Ashido, your acid would be useful in melting sero's tape.
And kaminari, you'd be good at fighting Kirishima.
Since he doesn't take damage from getting hit, electricity would be the best option"
Midoriya said as he dipped down an alleyway.

The two followed behind as the class broke off to fight the other half of their class.

"We're going to pull a sneak attack"
Midoriya whispered, briskly jogging down the alleyway to get an open view of the class.

Kaminari glanced over as did ashido, it was as Midoriya had said it would be.
Kirishima and sero were standing by Todoroki, moving alongside him.
They stood at the very back, allowing the rest of their team to fight their class.

"Midoriya...! You were right...!"
Ashido said, psyched out.

"Wow what the heck dude that's amazing.
You got them figured out!"
Kaminari added, his eyes noticeably widened.

"It's our turn to make a move"
Midoriya said, continuing down the same alleyway.
They had paused at an open street view originally.

"So how are you going to fight todoroki...?"
Kaminari asked.

"Well he only uses his ice so I don't have to worry about his fire.
If I can sneak up on him while you two keep Kirishima and sero occupied, I should be able to steal the gun without issue."
Midoriya replied, they all passed by the trio that had been standing towards the back.
All unnoticed, it was going exactly how Midoriya wanted it to be.

He pulled out a net gun, "okay...
You two charge out and pretend to attack todoroki.
Kirishima and sero will immediately begin to attack you two.

Todoroki will then either run or try to ice the both of you.
It's likely he'll do both.

No one's noticed our disappearance yet, but once they do all attention will snap back on us and it'll be difficult to execute this plan.


For todoroki's ice, have these"
Midoriya pulled out 2 small bombs.
They were provided by the support course.

"As soon as you slam them on the ground, it'll explode and break the ice.
That way you two can keep fighting the duo.

While todoroki runs away, I'll go after him and steal the gun.

Sound good?"
Midoriya explained.

You thought this through. Hell yeah let's do this."

"Sounds great!"

Midoriya said, letting them run past him.

Ashido and kaminari charged straight for Kirishima and sero.
They had been bolting as fast as they could run.

Ahead of them as a full on clash, the teams had been fighting.
Though, only 1 team was actively searching for the gun.

Many of team 1 members were stuck to the ground, Mineta was to blame.

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