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Midoriya thought in a singsong tone to himself as he mentally counted down.










Midoriya braced himself as he witnessed the catastrophe happen right before his very eyes.

In all the seats the heroes had been seated at, bombs had been placed.
And all those bombs went off at the same time...

Mortifying screams pierced the air as they felt their very being be stripped away from them by bombs.
Many died from the initial force, and those who didn't died from the physical trauma they had endured after...

A wave of heat blasted everywhere, Midoriya felt it warm him up rapidly.
The force pushed him back on the podium, he had been far enough from the stadiums that the explosions wouldn't hurt him too bad.

But he had been far too close to avoid the radius of the explosions to begin with.

He shut his eyes tight hoping to avoid getting dust inside.
He shut his ears and waited for it all to pass.

When he opened his eyes again, all he saw was devastation.
The stadiums had collapsed in on themselves, blood had been splattered all around.
Bodies littered the ground and walls, and on top of that- the UA students and families had to witness all of that.

The stadium had a specific way of division.

The UA students and families sat in one section and all the heroes sat in another.
It was done this way to make it easier on the heroes to watch the games (without nagging fans) and easier for the students to get down to participate.

The bombs had been only in the hero section.

The students and families only had to experience the force and the trauma that came from watching an explosion from a close enough distance.

Midoriya sat there stunned, he knew his plan would work but he was surprised with how much it had worked.

He glanced over at the TV screen that had been halfly operating, having been destroyed by the explosion as well.

The 10 building bombs had also all gone off.
They were all buildings that heroes worked in.
The schools were a bluff, a bluff to stress all might out even further.

Groans could be heard from the Nomu, they were still there after all.

With over half the heroes dead or knocked out, and the other half dealing with serious injuries, there wasn't anyone to save the remaining innocents.

Midoriya glanced over at Bakugo who looked to be choked up on words, he didn't know how to react but it was evident that he was angry.

Kaminari had only been staring in complete shock,  he knew there would be damage but...
Not to that extent.

"... ev-eryon-e plea-se rem-ain calm, I r-epeat ple-ase rem-ain calm...

Evac-uate imme-diately"
Aizawa said over the microphone, however it kept cutting out.

Though, the message was still delivered.

The remaining people on the stadiums immediately got to running, going straight for the doors.
No one was dumb enough to even try and stay behind, Including the students in class 1-A.

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