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"He won't be able to see it coming."
Midoriya smugly smiled to himself.

He left Kaminari's house and locked the door, making it seem as if nothing ever happened.

"I'll send the message tonight.
The sooner the better."
Midoriya made his way to the alleyway system that he had memorized.

He paused at his usual hang out spot.
It was typically empty, no one dared to go back there.
Nor heroes nor thugs, the spot was always just left alone.

It was perfect.

He pulled out his burner phone and leaned on the wall.
He typed in the number and called it.
"It didn't look like he was lying back there but if he was then Ill have to come up with a different plan.
That'll be a pain, breaking into his house wasn't any fun.
And I'd rather be asleep right now."
Midoriya thought to himself as someone picked up on the other end.

"...who the hell is this?"
A raspy voice said, it sounded like the person had just woken up.

"Someone you should get aquatinted with.
Is this the leader of the league of villains?"
Midoriya asked in reply.

"...yes- but who's asking...??"

"You may know me as the man with eyes on his hands.
I don't have a villain name, nor do I have an idea of what it should be at the moment.
But I think that description tells you enough about who I am."
Midoriya sighed.
He still had yet to come up with a vision name that wasn't embarrassing to use or just plain bad.
He was good at many things, but naming wasn't one of them.

"... you're that person...? How do I know...??"

"We can meet up.
I believe that would be enough."

But if you try to pull any funny business I'll have you killed.
Unlike the other gang and Mafia organizations you've taken over- my members aren't disloyal."

"Yes yes.
Now where should I go to find you?"

"Just tell me your coordinates and I'll have someone warp you over."

I'll text them."

"That's more convenient anyways."

The call ended there.
Midoriya ran away from his favorite location spot and went to one far enough away.
He then sent his location to the number.

A warp gate shortly opened up, Midoriya walked in.
He made sure his mask was secure.

"So you're the man with eyes on his hands?"
Shigaraki asked, seated before Midoriya.

Midoriya slid off a glove, "yes."
He held his hand up and opened up the eye.
The gaze landed on shigaraki, he could hear his thoughts.

"...you really are him..."
Shigaraki mumbled.
"I was hoping to find him first to make him join.
Now I don't have much of an advantage over.
How did he find my number??"
He thought to himself.

Midoriya heard it.

"How did you find my number-??"

"With connections, many things are possible.
You would know that."

"...let's make a deal"

"I'm all ears."

"Join me.
We'll join up forces.

My goal as the leader of the league of villains is to kill all might and get rid of heroes.

If you join me, whatever goal you have will become possible."
Shigaraki said.

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