T. D.

1.9K 140 59

... (TW ⚠️)(props to anyone who could guess what to two letters stand for in the title after reading the chapter.
Hint, one of the letters is the first letter of a name)

"You're my favorite of the spies"
Midoriya said, not turning to face Hawks.

Hawks froze in his steps, he turned around to completely face Midoriya though he only had his back turned towards him.
He stood there, at a loss for words.

"Thank you, Boss.
I won't let the others hear a word of this"
He said, a large grin growing on his face as he practically skipped out of the room.

"This Friday.

Heroes will cease to exist by this Friday."


Edgeshot sat amongst the heroes, none of them actually knew what to do.

Tsukauchi took a long swig of his coffee and let out a drawn sigh, his eyes hadn't improved at all.
Still red, with dark and large eye bags surrounding it.

"Optic has been too silent.
It only makes me worry, and it doesn't help that Eraserhead somehow died.

I'm suspecting that his death was planned in some kind of way, he must have seen him as a threat.

This has additionally led me to the conclusion that Optic has a quirk that's allowing him to always keep himself one step ahead.
I don't know what exactly it is and how it correlates to the eyes on his hands but it's definitely something that's guiding his whole plan.
I'm sure without a doubt that without his quirk most of his plans wouldn't have succeeded the way they did, and Aizawa's existence threatened his future plans.

But the question is, what do we do?

Most heroes are dead or resigning and Japan has been in chaos ever since.

The crime rate dramatically increased, there aren't enough heroes to enforce the law and police help isn't enough either.

If this was a game of chess, Optic only lost a few of his pawns while we've lost everything but the king and a few pieces that are keeping us away from a check.

I'm going to be honest.

I have no idea what to do.
We've tried to find the HKO base but they're completely hidden.
We know Optic's identity and we can't do anything with it.

We can't increase security anywhere because we don't have the forces to.

UA has been shut down so we can't even request help from there.

We're completely cornered right now and we don't have means of fighting back.

All we know is that he's aiming to get rid of all the heroes, and he's doing a good job at it..."
Tsukauchi paused, tilting his head back in exhaustion.
He shut his eyes and all of a sudden, a golden idea sparked his head.

"we have to protect the commission.
They're the only means of restoration we have.

Focus all the energy at the commission.

We'll get help from them.

They're backed by the government, so if we can get them to help then we can find Optic's base sooner.
And with that information, we'll be able to get rid of him"
Tsukauchi said, motivation sparking back to life.

The heroes in the meeting glanced at one another, back at tsukauchi, and then back at eachother.

"do you really think it'll work..?"
Edgeshot asked, speaking their minds.

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