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(Tw 🛑 this chapter has mentions of murder and murder details)

"I despise of many things but...I despise you the most, All Might"
Midoriya thought to himself, turning his back on his grave and walking out with his classmates.

He got onto the bus, most of the seats were full except for the seat next to Kaminari.
As he walked up to his seat, he could see his expression make a swift change from annoyed to saddened.
If Midoriya wasn't hyper vigilant, he wouldn't have caught it.

He sat down with a sigh, glad to be seated next to someone on the same page as him.

It was a silent drive the way back to UA.
They all had thoughts on their minds that couldn't be discussed.
Thoughts of sadness, thoughts of the past, and thoughts of the future.

After the drive, they made it back to school and sat back down in their classroom where Aizawa finished off the morning announcement as he said he would.

"Now that you've all had the chance to mourn his death, it's time we move on to make sure Japan stays safe.

Time isnt going to wait, and the more time that's wasted thinking of the past the less likely you'll be prepared in the future.

Next week, you all are interning with a hero of your choosing.
You will live with them for a week and practice alongside them.

During the sports festival, the heroes watched you all show off your abilities.
They sent out invitations to students that peaked their interest.

The invitations are here."
Aizawa pressed a button on a remote and showed off their invitations.

The class stared wide eyed at the amount Midoriya had.
"...7 thousand..."
Mineta mumbled under his breath, unable to fathom how many heroes that was.

"The heroes sent out invitations based on who they wanted.
It's your job to pick 1 and accept their invitation.

You must do so before the end of the school day Friday.
And next week you will all be sent off to their agencies.

Take your time to look through the heroes, make sure you select one that'll benefit you.
If you have a fire based quirk, it wouldn't make sense to intern with someone with a water based quirk.

They know how to wield their water, not your fire.

Take this seriously.

That's all.

Let's begin today's lesson."


Midoriya tuned out Aizawa as he stared out the window.
He could hear his monotone dialogue in the background but he wasn't concerned about it.
He had bigger things to be thinking about.

"Today is day one of my internship with the detectives and heroes.
Will this hero internship thing even apply to me?
I guess I'll have to work with heroes involved in the case I'll be working on for anything to be efficient."
He let out a drawn sigh, with so many things to think about it was impossible to ever truly relax.

He shut his eyes and glanced upon Japan through the many eyes he had placed.
He was able to see the busy streets.

People walked down the pathways, cars drove by, kids laughed, some others were on the phone, many were talking with their friends, and overall...
People were living their individual lives.

"Everyone leading life of their own...


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