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"I look forward to working with you all"
Midoriya said, his eyes shining brightly with a warm smile.

"Woah, you're that quirkless UA student that won first in the festival aren't you?"
A lax voice from the table spoke.
He stood up and walked over to Midoriya, holding his gloved hand to his chin as he looked at him.

Midoriya replied.

"Nice! What you did during the festival was cool. Can I get a pic with you?"
The man asked, pulling out his phone and running his hand through his ash blond hair.

"Hawks this isn't the time. We have a case to solve"
A voice hissed in the background.

"Yeah yeah- smile"
Hawks said, smiling brightly as he took the photo with Midoriya.
Midoriya smiled as Hawks took the photo and put his phone back into his pocket.

"You're really just 16?"
Hawks asked, walking back over to his seat as Tsukauchi showed Midoriya to his own seat.

Midoriya hummed, sitting beside Tsukauchi.

Well then, let's get to business.
Show us what you got"

Tsukauchi cleared his throat as he turned on the smart board and plugged it into his computer.
Midoriya watched as he read over all the data they had.

All this data that's worth absolutely nothing.

I've done a great job at keeping details hidden.

Now I just have to start releasing fake details, details that'll lead them down the wrong path."
Midoriya thought to himself as Tsukauchi explained everything.

"So far, this is all we know.
If we're going to progress at all, we need someone on the inside...

Hawks, have you had any success at infiltrating?"
Tsukauchi asked.

Hawks sighed, "not at all.
I've been searching for the members of the organization that might know Optic directly and take me to him but they're well hidden too.

And their base is a whole other hidden piece.

Currently, finding him is near impossible.
Infiltrating is on a different level of impossible"
He replied, a bit annoyed.

"..I see...
Well then... This is all we have..."
Tsukauchi said, frustrated with the fact they have little to no details at all.
He glanced at Midoriya, hoping he'd somehow come up with a miracle discovery.

But that was unrealistic, for even as someone as smart as Midoriya.
The lack of details could make anyone Optic, nothing connected, and no matter how much analysis was done- there wasn't enough details.

"Well they know about one of the import sights.
There are many other different import sights, I could use this one to lead them down the wrong path.

I just have to start that plan here and continue it as Optic"
Midoriya thought to himself as he cleared his throat.

We know that the HKO is using this sight for illegal imports, right?"
Midoriya asked.

Tsukauchi nodded his head, "yes"

"These may be  really obvious answers, however, have you sent anyone there to watch the imports?
Have you installed more cameras?
Have you checked everyone at the import sights for IDs?
Do you know what illegal items are being imported?
Have you installed a tracker on one of the illegal items and followed it down to where it was being sold?"
Midoriya asked, rapid firing questions that they didn't even know existed.

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