Pulling Strings

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Midoriya ended the meeting on that note, leaving the room to allow them to process all that he had said.

"I should reload some supplies now that I'm here.
I can take some things."
Midoriya thought to himself as he headed over to the vault room of the base.

He grabbed the things he knew he'd need and left from there.
He had only went because of the meeting, and since it was over, there was no reason to stay any longer.

He returned back to his home through the underground tunnel system.

"I should tell shigaraki to message me the school year plans, that way I can figure out what day would be perfect to kill all might"


A new week came upon Midoriya.
He had all the information he needed, shigaraki delivered just as he needed him to.

The sports festival.
It's a big event.

But it has nothing to do with all might.


It can be used as the perfect set up.
Everyone in Japan is going to be watching, including the heroes.
And most of them will be all gathered at the big stadium for the event.

This is the perfect opportunity."
Midoriya thought to himself as the ideas came flooding in.

He sat amongst his classmates, eyes closed.
Though, despite the fact they were closed, he was able to see more than what they had been seeing.

He had been looking at Tokyo from the big eye he had drawn.
He liked staring there blankly whenever he thought,  he didn't know why.
He just found it neat.

"You think Aizawa sensei will be coming in?"
Ashido asked, leaning back over and looking at uraraka.

"I'm not sure.
We haven't seen him since the USJ incident.
And his bones were broken..."
Uraraka replied.

A muffled voice peeped.
Everyone looked over at the door and watched as their teacher, Aizawa sensei, walked in.
His arms were casted up along with his face.
It was only his legs that were able to be used.
It was the only thing that could be healed with the energy he had.

"Aizawa sensei!?"
The class said in unison.

Midoriya opened his eyes, plotting time was up.
"How's he gonna teach like that?"

I know many of you may have been waiting for my return.
I'm here."
Aizawa said, walking over to the podium.
All his words were muffled by the cast that sat above his lips.

"Aizawa sensei... How are you even going to teach like that?"
Kaminari asked, staring with wide eyes.

"I won't.
I'm going to tell you all what's going on and then give you work sheets to work on since I can't teach you anything new."
Aizawa replied, bluntly.
A united groan swept through the class as they watched him pull out the stack and clear his throat.
Going back to the USJ incident...

...what happened was quite...

A disaster to put it in short.
The league of villains infiltrated, they caused trouble, and because of that same trouble, Snipe was killed.

He had shot the leader of the league 3 times.
And the next day, he was found brutally murdered by Optic- who I'm sure you've all heard of by now.

You may all be wondering why I'm bringing up such bad news.
Aside from showing you all what exactly you're getting into, this is a reminder that your battle isn't over yet."
Aizawa said, pausing with an ominous stare.

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