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Midoriya clicked his tongue, a bit annoyed.

Hawks noticed, "what's up?"
He asked while securing some people to a rope.

"This plan won't work the way we intend it to?"

Why do you say that?"

The whole point of the camp is to train us.
They won't go easy on us on the first day, and it's not like getting through the camp site will be as simple as a hike.

Pixie bob's quirk allows her to manipulate the ground.

So it's likely she already has things set up to prevent us from just walking or flying through it to get to the other side"
Midoriya explained.

Hawks put his hand to his chin,"well then I have a simple solution"
He said, with a eureka cheer.
All eyes landed on him inquisitively.
"I'll just have to fly faster and higher than what the clay mud can reach."
He said.

"technically that works but only if you're flying fast or high enough that the others won't be taken while you escape.
Regardless, getting through won't be as easy as we want it to be"
Midoriya replied.

"it'll be fineee"
"besides if they get injured it'd be better for me"
Hawks smiled, brushing off Midoriya's statement.

Midoriya held back a grin, hearing Hawks's thought loud and clear.
"Alright then"
He replied, going along with Hawks's brash plan.

"Great, now let's get started"

Uraraka went around and made the 4 float, they were secured by a rope to Hawks's waist.
Midoriya flew higher off the ground watching Tokoyami do the same with a bit of struggle.

"Let's go!"
Hawks cheered, sending himself and the 4 tied to him straight into the sky.
They were lucky to have braced themselves or else they would've faced whiplash.

They flew high up into the air, so high up that they looked tiny.
Hawks then proceeded to dive down, dragging all of them down behind him.

They all screamed, bracing onto the rope and holding on tight. Mud
Monsters launched themselves off the ground and into the air, however not one managed to grab Hawks or the 4 he dragged along before he could make it to the base of the mountain.

"Now wasn't that fun?"
Hawks cheered, landing with the four of them.
They stared at Hawks with their terrified faces, still floating off the ground as Uraraka had yet to release them.

"I n-never thought I would e-ever go that fast..."
Kaminari said, wobbly at the knees.

Midoriya landed swiftly beside them,  watching as his classmates wobbled in the air, waiting for Uraraka to drop them so they could touch the sweet ground.

Hawks zipped back and shortly after they all fell onto the ground.
"I have never once been more grateful for gravity"
Toga cried, hugging the ground.

More screaming could be heard as Hawks came in with another batch.

It progressed until everyone had "safely"  made it to the mountain base.

"Hawks was quite cruel. He definitely knew he didn't have to fly up that high or that fast.
The mud monsters can't go too high up."
Midoriya thought to himself, holding back a chuckle at Hawks's antics.

"Now what?"
Sero asked, standing around idoly.

"Well we need to wait for eraserhead, pixie bob, and Mandalay to make it over before we do anything.
So I guess for now you could all introduce yourselves to me"
Hawks replied.

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