Unintentional Bond

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"I'm more than certain as he's dead. "

"He's dead...?"

Now, how old are you? You look pretty young but you're able to speak decently well. "

"I'm 6, turning 7 later this year...

But I don't know when my birthday is. "

"Is it important that you know?"

Eri hesitated before she answered,"er...
It's not too important...
It's okay"
"I wanna know...
But I don't think he'd be very happy with me annoying him"

"Ill figure it out.
And stop worrying about being annoying, I've already decided that you'd be living here.

And while I don't have time to give you attention or take care of you, I can still give you the things you want. "
Midoriya said, hearing her thoughts.

She looked up at him, her eyes shining brightly.
She sat there, her mouth slightly agape, as she held her hands together in awe of this new person.

Because you don't have the means of controlling your quirk, I want you to wear this bracelet until you're taught."
Midoriya said, pulling out a quirk canceller.

She said, letting Midoriya put it on her wrist.

"You'll be staying in this room for the time being.
Let me know if there is anything that is discomforting so I can change it.

You'll have some assistants coming in later, they'll be providing you with some close with fitted measurements.

They won't be there to hurt you.

The clothes will be pretty and comfortable.
Now if there is nothing else, I have work to get to"
Midoriya said, heading towards the door.

She called out, startling even herself.

Midoriya paused, "yes?"

"...what do I call you...?"

Midoriya took a deep breath in and sighed, "Midoriya.
But if that's too long for you to remember, Optic works too"

"...will I ever see you again..?"

"If you need me I am down the hall in the room with the silver door.
I can't guarantee I will always be available especially as of recently, but you can always try"
Midoriya replied, glancing back at her while exiting the room.

He was slightly surprised by the sight.
Eri was joyous, it was written all over her face but no smile exactly formed.

He shut the door and went back to his office, "what was that about"


The assistants later came to Eri.

She had sat in the room all day. She didn't know what to do and didn't want to be a bother either.

That came to an end when the assistants arrived, it was time to get some new clothes.
They arrived with many tools in many bags.

"Hello young lady, We're here to help you today.
I hope we can get along"
An older woman said, holding out her hand for a handshake.
She had beautiful green snake-like eyes, and neon yellow hair paired with them.
Her canines were longer than average and evidently sharp.
Additionally, her forearms arms had scale patches.
Despite her snakey appearance, she was quite friendly.

"I also hope we can get along"
A much younger woman said. She had long black hair, it was so dark that it was as if light couldn't pierce through it.
Her eyes were completely white, as if she lacked an Iris or pupils. Though, she could actually see just like anyone else.

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